Fun Words

来源 :校园英语(九年级版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liliac
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Where’s the beeF?自从电视普及以来,人们往往会把一些电视广告里特别吸引人的词句用到日常生活中去。几年前,美国有一家快餐店在电视上做广告,广告里是一个老太太在另外一家快餐店里买了一个汉堡包,打开一看里面只有小小的一块肉。她既惊 Where’s the beeF? Since the popularity of television, people often use words that are particularly appealing to TV commercials to use in everyday life. A few years ago, in the United States, a fast food restaurant was advertised on television. The advert was an old lady who bought a hamburger at another fast food restaurant and opened it to see only a small piece of meat inside. She is scared
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Customers’ ComplainWhen a customer finds that what she or he bought is faulty or iu some otherway does not line up to what the producer promises,the first ste
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词语运用易混语辨析spend,cost, take, pay spend,cost,take和pay都可以表示花费,但用法却不尽相同。spend的主语必须暑人,常用于以下结构:(1)spend time/money on sth.(2)sp
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歌词《涛声依旧》取意唐朝诗人张继的《枫桥夜泊》。秋天的夜晚,张继泊舟苏州城外的枫桥。江南水乡秋夜幽美的景色,使怀着旅愁 The lyrics “The Wave Is Still” reads Zha
“黑白”启示录  孙 颙  我喜欢围棋。并非附庸风雅,蓄意在中国文人的艺术修养——“琴棋书画”中窃取一二。既出于消遣,也迷于它特殊的魅力。  在世界众多的棋局里,围棋是貌似简单、实为复杂的一种。它的构成,朴实无华;它的变幻,扑朔迷离。它简单到什么地步?既无车马炮兵,亦无将帅帝后;棋盘上唯有众多小方格,找不到诸如九宫、界河之类的花样;走棋不必考虑直线、斜线、拐角,一次往交叉点上投一子便可;二人对坐,