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空间想象能力就是以现实世界为背景,对几何的表象进行加工改造,创造出新形象的能力。培养和发展学生的空间想象能力是是高中阶段数学必修系列课程的基本要求。在数学中,空间想象能力体现为在头脑中从复杂的图形中区分基本图形,分析基本图形的基本元素之间度量关系和位置关系(垂直、平行、从属及其基本变化关系等)的能力;借助图形来反映并思考客观事物的空间形状和位置关系的能力;借助图形来反映并思考用语言式子来表达形状和位置关系的能力。 Space imagination is the ability to create and create a new image based on the real world. The cultivation and development of students’ spatial imagination are the basic requirements of the high school mathematics compulsory series. In mathematics, spatial imagination manifests itself in the ability to distinguish basic graphics from complex graphics in mind, and to measure the relationship between the basic elements of the basic graphics and their positional relationships (vertical, parallel, subordinate and their basic variation relationships, etc.) The ability to reflect and think about the spatial shape and location of objective things with the help of graphics. The ability to express shapes and positional relationships by using graphics to reflect and reflect on expressions.
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Objective To study the combined effect of fluoride and arsenate on the expression of SD rat osteoblastic osteoclast differentiation factor (ODF) mRNA and osteop
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