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在初中语文课本中,选编了一定数量的古诗。这些诗以丰富多彩的艺术形象、凝练生动的语言、强烈的感情色彩,表现了广阔的社会生活,体现了艺术作品的美。那么,如何较快地学习古诗,体会出诗中的美呢?第一步:解诗题,知背景。所谓“解诗题,知背景”,就是初学一首古诗,首先须从题目入手,了解诗人的概况,以及写这首诗的背景,从而懂得题目的意思。如学习《送杜少府之蜀州》这首诗,首先理解诗题:送,送别;少府,官名;之,往、去或上任;蜀州,蜀地。连在一起,题目的意思就是:送杜少府到蜀州去上任。然后,要了解一下这首诗的作者:王勃,“初唐四杰”之一,他在短短的一生中,郁郁不得志,颇多感伤。只有从16岁到21岁,是他一生中较为得意的一段时光。这首诗 In junior high school language textbooks, a certain number of ancient poems were selected. These poems express a broad social life with rich artistic images, concise and vivid language, and strong emotional colors, reflecting the beauty of artistic works. Then, how can we learn the ancient poetry more quickly and realize the beauty of poetry? The first step is to solve the poem title and know the background. The so-called “questioning against poetry and knowing background” is to begin learning an ancient poem. First of all, it is necessary to start with the topic, understand the poet’s general situation, and write the background of the poem so as to understand the meaning of the topic. For example, when studying the poem “Delivering Duzhou’s Shuozhou,” first understand the poem title: send, send; don’t sign, official name; it, go, go, or take office; Together, the title means: Send Du Shaofu to Ganzhou to take office. Then, to look at the author of this poem: Wang Bo, one of the “Four Heroes” in his short life, frustrated, sad lot. Only from the age of 16 to 21 is a period of more proud of his life. This poem
当前中考物理命题改革的热点是什么?是创新能力和实践能力.本文将结合近几年各地中考试题,来评析这些试题是如何进行创新能力考查的。一、从假设想象中考查创新能力例1 假如
Sedimentation processes in reservoirs can be studied by performing theoretical analysis, laboratory experimentation, numerical simulation, or a combination of t
定理:若样本xl、x:、…x,的平均数为x,方差为护,则样本二:+b、ax:+b、…、ax二十b的平均数夕,方差了,分别为 夕~云+b、了,=矿子.证明x-1,一又Xl十XZ十…+x二)(x12+x22+…石