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李昱春,一九五七年三月生。笔名山人,雪缘堂主人,毕业于哈尔滨师范大学艺术学院。中国美术家协会江苏省分会会员,中国书画研究院特聘研究员,中国国画家协会理事,江南国画院山水画创作室主任,常州工学院艺术与设计学院副教授,国家高级美术师。作品曾入选全国、省、市美术大展曾有获奖,版画《盼》被中国外交部钓鱼台国宾收藏;版画《落红》被中国美术馆收藏;中国画《祭》被中央电视台书画院收藏,中国画《岁月》获全国美展优秀奖,并被中国美术家协会收藏,作品曾赴澳大利亚、美国、前苏联等国展出。众多作品曾在国内外报刊、杂志发表。出版有《李昱春美术作品集》、《李昱春山水画选集》等。 Li Yuchun, born in March 1957. Pen name mountain, snow margin master, graduated from Harbin Normal University Art Institute. A member of Jiangsu Artists Association of Chinese Artists Association, a distinguished researcher of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Research Institute, a director of China National Painters’ Association, a director of landscape painting workshop of Jiangnan Chinese Painting Academy, an associate professor of Changzhou Institute of Technology’s art and design, and a national senior artist. Works have been selected for the national, provincial and municipal art exhibitions have won the print “hope” by the Chinese Foreign Ministry Diaoyutai State Guesthouse collection; print “off red” by the China Art Museum collection; Chinese painting “Festival” by the CCTV painting collection, Chinese painting “Years” by the National Art Exhibition Excellence Award, and was collected by the Chinese Artists Association, the works went to Australia, the United States, the former Soviet Union and other countries on display. Many works have been published in newspapers and magazines at home and abroad. He has published “Li Yu Chun Art Collection” and “Li Yuchun Landscape Painting Collection”.
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