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喷嚏,人人都打过,不过,人们对喷嚏的看法不同,有的人把喷嚏当成“不祥之兆”,而有的人把喷嚏当成吉祥的福音。我们常看到生活之中遇到有人打喷嚏时,有的人说“哟!有人想念你了”,而有的却赶快说上一句祝福话“长命百岁”来冲淡打喷嚏带来的尴尬。俄国著名作家契诃夫在他的小说里就曾描写了一个小公务员,因为在将军的背后打了一个喷嚏而惶惶不可终日,最后抑郁而死。喷嚏是什么?千百年来,人们就这样给喷嚏蒙上了一层神秘的色彩。其实很简单,喷嚏好比是上呼吸道的咳嗽,是人体的一种 Sneezing, everyone has played, however, people think different sneeze, some people think of sneezing as “ominous trillion”, while others regard sneezing as auspicious Gospel. We often see people in life encounter someone sneezing, some people say “yo! Someone miss you,” while others quickly hurried to say a word of “longevity” to dilute the sneezing brought awkward. Chekhov, a famous Russian writer, described a small civil servant in his novels. Because of a sneeze in the back of the general, he was in panic and eventually died of depression. What is sneezing? For centuries, people have put a mysterious color on the sneeze. In fact, very simple, sneezing is like the upper respiratory tract cough, is a kind of human body
Objective:The aim of this study was to define the maximum-tolerated dose (MTD) and observe the toxicity of escalating topotecan combined whole brain radiotherap