亿心一意 永不止步——安踏为中国军团参加11项国际大赛提供冠军装备

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2009年6月23日下午,一场由中国奥委会和安踏体育用品有限公司共同举办、题为“彼此激励,共同成长”的现代奥林匹克运动诞生纪念暨双方合作关系发布庆典,在国家奥林匹克体育中心举行。中国奥委会副主席王钧向社会各界宣布:安踏公司成为2009~2012年中国奥委会合作伙伴。 On the afternoon of June 23, 2009, a ceremony was held jointly by the Chinese Olympic Committee and Anta Sporting Goods Co., Ltd., commemorating the birth of the modern Olympic Games entitled “Mutual Encouragement and Mutual Growth” and the release of the cooperation relationship between the two countries. Olympic Sports Center. Wang Jun, vice chairman of the Chinese Olympic Committee, announced to all sectors of society that Anta became a partner of the Chinese Olympic Committee from 2009 to 2012.
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从各家公司发布的今年一季度报告来看,我国乳业已经基本走出了“三聚氰胺”的阴影,总体行业走势呈现出全面回暖的态势。 From the first quarter of this year’s report re
A method for the implementation of integrated three-degree-of-freedom constrained entry guidance for reusable launch vehicle is presented. Given any feasible en
日前,国务院法制办进行了首次“全国市县政府依法行政现状”书面调查。调查显示,随着依法行政的整体推进,市县政府依法行政取得较大进展,但其总体水平仍需提高。 Recently,
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根据《中华人民共和国物权法》的有关规定,国务院决定对《物业管理条例》作如下修改:一、将第十条第一款修改为:“同一个物业管理 According to the ”People’s Republic o