
来源 :地壳形变与地震 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaojing795130
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用无体力作用的平衡方程的ω型、Φ型通解与有体力作用的平衡方程的特解相迭加得到自由边界条件下的潮汐应力张量。讨论了主应力和主应力轴随深度的变化,在100公里深度范围内,主应力轴在空间的取向发生的偏转可达10°左右(θ=30°时)。 选用我国1957年以来有精确断层面解的、Ms≥5.0的70个地震的资料,研究了发震时刻对于潮汐流体静应力、潮汐最大剪应力、沿断层错动矢量的潮汐剪应力的位相分布,所得的结论是,潮汐流体静应力与地震的发震时刻没有明显关系。潮汐最大剪应力对地震有一定的触发作用;沿断层错动矢量的潮汐剪应力对地震的触发作用更明显;斜滑型地震对潮汐最大剪应力的位相有极好的相关性。 The tidal stress tensor under the free boundary condition is obtained by superposing ω and Φ general solutions of the balance equation without physical force with the special solutions of the equilibrium equations with physical effects. The changes of principal stress and principal stress axis with depth are discussed. The deflection of the principal stress axis in the spatial direction can reach about 10 ° (θ = 30 °) within a depth of 100 km. Based on the data of 70 earthquakes with accurate fault surface since 1957 and Ms≥5.0, the phase distributions of tidal shear stress of tidal hydrostatic stress, tidal maximum shear stress and fault dislocation vectors along the fault are studied. The conclusion is that there is no obvious relationship between the hydrostatic stress of tidal fluid and the seismogenic time of earthquake. The tidal maximum shear stress has a certain triggering effect on the earthquake; the tidal shear stress along the fault dislocation vector has a more obvious triggering effect on the earthquake; and the sloping earthquake has a very good correlation with the phase of the tidal maximum shear stress.
Vector transducer can simultaneously measure components of particle velocity as well as pressure at some point in sound field. In this paper, a series of equati