
来源 :商业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ningyuanhui
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本文就流通领域实行商业标准化问题进行了初步的探讨。认为:流通领域实行商业标准化是客观需要。我国现阶段的流通领域不仅具备实现商业标准化的客观需要,而且兵备实现的条件。流通领域的商品交换的大力发展和经营管理水平的提高,为实现商业标准化奠定了物质基础。商业战线广大干部和职工思想文化素质的提高,为实现商业标准化打下了思想基础。要实现商业标准化关键是必须提高企业干部和职工对实行商业标准化重要意义的认识,实行商业标准化是一项十分艰巨和细致的工作,要以点带面,分轻重缓急,逐步推广铺开。建立标准化管理委员会,是实行商业标准化的重要保证。 This paper discusses the implementation of commercial standardization in circulation. It is considered that the implementation of commercial standardization in the circulation field is an objective need. At present, the circulation field in China not only has the objective need to achieve commercial standardization, but also fulfills the conditions for military preparation. The vigorous development of commodity exchange in the circulation field and the improvement of management and management level have laid a material foundation for commercial standardization. The improvement of the ideological and cultural qualities of the vast number of cadres and employees in the business front has laid the ideological foundation for commercial standardization. The key to realizing commercial standardization is to raise awareness of the importance of corporate cadres and employees in the implementation of commercial standardization. The implementation of commercial standardization is a very arduous and meticulous task. It is necessary to focus on the points, priorities, and gradually spread. The establishment of a standardized management committee is an important guarantee for commercial standardization.
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