
来源 :牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tony_zq
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目的:探讨Calbindin-D28K(CaB)在牙髓损伤修复过程中的作用。方法:用免疫组化ABC法观察CaB在健康和龋坏人恒牙牙髓中的表达,并用图像分析系统进行半定量分析。结果:CaB在正常和龋病牙髓中成牙本质细胞、前期牙本质、血管内皮细胞及神经纤维中均有表达。在中龋和深龋组部分牙髓细胞CaB弱阳性表达。中龋组成牙本质细胞数目增多,胞浆、胞突及部分胞核强阳性。深龋组前期牙本质层变薄,成牙本质细胞空泡变性,见单层扁平的成牙本质样细胞,胞浆及核染色强阳性。成牙本质细胞浆中CaB含量在中、深龋组明显增加。血管内皮细胞中三组间CaB含量无显著性差异。结论:CaB可能在牙髓细胞向成牙本质样细胞分化及修复性牙本质和反应性牙本质形成过程中起重要作用。“,”AIM: Investigation of the role of Calbindin- D28K(CaB) in the reparative process after pulp injury.METHODS: Immunohistochemical staining was adopted for studying the expression of CaB in healthy and carious teeth, and the results were analyzed by image analysis. RESULTS: CaB was detected in odontoblast layer, predenfin, vascular epitheliun cells, nerve fibers of both healthy and carious teeth. Some pulp cells fiom the teeth with intermediate or deep caries expressed a small amount of CaB. In the teeth with intermediate caries, the odontoblastic process, the cytoplasm, as well as some of nuclei stained positive strongly while the amount of odontoblasts increased. In the teeth with deep caries, predentin was thinner than that of the intermediate caries and stained positive, odontoblasts exhibited vacuolar degeneration. And odontoblast - like cells, which exhibited flat and aligned mono- layer, were observed and stained positive. By image analysis, the amount of of CaB in the cytoplasm of odontoblasts in the teeth with intermediate and deep caries was higher than that of the normal teeth. As to the content of CaB in vascular epithelium, there was no difference among three groups. CONCLUSION:CaB plays a significant role in differentiation of pulp cell to odontoblast, as well as formation of reparative and reactive dentin.
1997~1999年对慢性尖周炎经常规根管预备后封甲醛甲酚两次以上,仍有叩痛不适者改封双黄连、替硝唑、丁香酚混合药物棉捻,收到很好疗效。现报告如下:rn1 材料和方法rn1.1 材料rn
目的 探讨心理护理结合孕期饮食及运动干预在妊娠糖尿病患者中的护理效果.方法 118例妊娠糖尿病患者随机分为对照组(n=59)和观察组(n=59),对照组给予常规护理,观察组在对照组
由牙科专家讲课 ,讲授牙病治疗、无痛拔牙、镶牙、畸形牙矫治、人工种植牙、烤瓷牙等十二门课程 ,有实验室 ,安排实习 ,按卫生部口腔医学中专教学大纲授课 ,学制三年 ,现开始