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企业在激烈的市场竞争中能否求得生存和发展,关键是看有没有活力和实力,转机建制、发展经济已成为企业走向市场的主攻点。作为企业管理重要组成部分的企业档案部门,应如何适应形势,把工作的重点转向经济主战场,为企业在市场竞争中立于不败之地建功立业,这是摆在企业档案部门一个必须解决的课题。淄博矿务局档案室在服从服务于经济建设方面作了些有益的探索。 一、转变思想观念.强化为经济建设服务的意识。 在改革开放和经济建设迅猛发展的新形势下,企业作为依法经营,自负盈亏,独立核算的 Whether enterprises can survive and develop in the fierce market competition, the key is to see whether there is vitality and strength. Turning to the establishment of the system and developing the economy has become the main attack point for companies to go to the market. As an important part of corporate management, the enterprise archives department should adapt itself to the situation and shift its focus to the main battlefield of the economy. This is an issue that must be solved in the corporate archival department for enterprises to establish themselves in an unassailable position in market competition. . The Zibo Mining Bureau archives made some useful explorations in obeying and serving the economic construction. First, change ideological concepts and strengthen the awareness of services for economic development. Under the new situation of reform and opening up and the rapid development of economic construction, enterprises, operating in accordance with the law, are responsible for their own profits and losses and are independently accounted for.
硬锌是火法炼锌过程中的副产物,含有多种金属元素,采用真空蒸馏的方法综合处理硬锌,使锗铟银富集在蒸馏残渣中,锗的富集倍数为10倍,直收率大于96%,铟的富集倍数为4倍,直收率大于90%. Zinc is
欣赏竞技体育比赛已成为现在人生活中的一项重要内容。通过欣赏竞技体育比赛,人们进一步拓展了自己的生活空间,调节了自己紧张的生活节奏,并获 Appreciation of competitive
某外国电信运营商用长达5—8年的时间不断改革,终于成功实施了业务流程重组(BPR),中国企业有时间和耐心付出这样的代价吗? A foreign telecommunications operator with up
客运公司规定旅客可随身携带一定重量的行李,如果超出规定,则需购买行李票费,行李票用y(元)是行李重量x(千克)的一次函数,如图. The passenger transport company stipulates
在导数学习中,同学们由于对某些概念或公式等理解不透彻,解题时经常会出现一些表面看起来正确,而实际上错误的解法,下面对导数问题中典型的易错点加以剖析。    注:本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文。 本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器
“追求6δ精益运营”是宝钢生产经营的总方针。6δ精益运营的内容包括:必须用数据说话;追求6δ必须在第一次就把事情做对;要找 “Pursuit of 6δ Lean Operations” is the