“给我10个世界顶尖的黑客和20亿元,我就能控制美国。”这位美国将军的话一点也不假!回想起这几年的黑客史,无论是掌握高尖科技的美国国防部五角大楼,还是戒备森严的美国中央情报局,都无不留下了黑客们的足迹!相信在未来的战争里,已经不单是武力上的比较了,黑客们将会以一个全新的身份在未来的战争中出现! 因此,在世界上,“黑客”成了网络上新鲜的题材。而广州耀光黑客网页的制作(见图2),并不是持着什么尝鲜的心态(况且我也不是什么黑客高手),只是抱着“师夷长技而自强”的宗旨,希望凭着本站的黑客知识能提高人们对网络安全性的认识,以抵御外国黑客高手的攻击。 李登辉公然将两岸关系说成了“国与国”的关系,严重地破坏了稳定发展两岸关系和和平统一的基石,部分支持“两国论”的台湾黑客还向中国的网站发动了进攻,当听到这一消息后,义愤填膺的中国黑客在网上纷纷揭竿而起,并自发组织起来,借助自己的智慧在网上筑成了一道长城,以抵御对方的攻击…
“Give me 10 world-class hacks and 2 billion yuan and I will be able to control the United States.” The U.S. General is not at all false! Recalling the past few years of hacker history, whether it is to master the cutting-edge technology Pentagon US Department of Defense, or the heavily guarded CIA, all left behind the hacker footprint! I believe in the future war, it is not only the comparison of the armed forces, hackers will be a new identity in the future war appeared! Therefore, in the world, “hacker” has become a new theme on the Internet. The production of Guangzhou Yaoguang hacker website (see Figure 2), is not holding any early adopters mentality (Moreover, I am not a hacker expert), just holding the “teacher Yi technology and self-improvement” purposes, hope that with this Station hacking knowledge can increase people’s awareness of network security, to resist foreign hacker attacks. Lee Teng-hui openly described the cross-Strait relations as a “state-to-state” relationship and severely undermined the cornerstone of the steady development of cross-Strait relations and peaceful unification. Some Taiwan hackers who support the “two states theory” have also launched offensive attacks on the websites of China. After hearing the news, the indignant Chinese hackers have sprung up online and spontaneously organized themselves into wars with the help of their own wisdom to defend each other’s attacks.