
来源 :冶金政工研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flyrain_yan
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经过近年来对党的思想、作风和组织的整顿,我们高兴地看到许多新入党的同志,把入党作为继续前进的新起点,不断用更高的标准严格要求自己,做到了“入党前是骨干,入党后是模范”受到广大群众的拥戴和好评。但是也有些同志,入了党,便产生了“党票到手,革命到头”的思想,他们入党前那种奔放的热情、高涨的干劲,奋发向上的精神渐渐地减退了。这种现象的出现固然与这些同志放松思想改造,入党动机不够端正有关。但是,各级组织在加强对预备党员管理教育措施不利方面也有不可推卸责任。各级党组织要加强对预备党员的教育管理,做到“扶上马,送一程”。要注重抓好以下几点(一)落实入党介绍人责任制。预备党员的入党介绍人,要继续负责对其考核教育工作,及时了解预备党员各方面的表现情况,继续负责对其考核教育工作,及时了解预备党员各方面的表现情况,继续帮助预备党员克服缺点,并定 After the rectification of the party’s thinking, work style and organization in recent years, we are pleased to see many comrades joining the party as a new starting point for continuing to move on and constantly demanding themselves with higher standards and achieving the goal of “ Backbone, after joining the party is a model ”by the masses of support and praise. However, some comrades entered the party and they came up with the idea of ​​“the party vote is at hand and the revolution is over.” The enthusiasm, high enthusiasm and vigorous spirit before graduation have gradually diminished. The appearance of this phenomenon is of course not related to these comrades relaxing their ideas and reforming their motivation to join the party. However, organizations at all levels also have an unshirkable responsibility to reinforce the unfavorable aspect of the management of educational measures by bacterine party members. Party organizations at all levels should step up their education and management of the reserve party members so that they can “help one another and send one trip.” We should pay attention to the following points (a) the implementation of the party introducer responsibility system. Party members who are members of the party should continue to be responsible for assessing their educational work, keep abreast of the performance of various aspects of the party members in reserve, continue to be responsible for assessing and educating them, keep abreast of the performance of the party members in various aspects, and continue to help the reserve party members to overcome shortcomings , And set
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