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明清以来文安洼的水灾与聚落发展孙冬虎乡村聚落的兴衰,是传统农业阶段区域开发和环境变迁的主要标志之一。地处海河平原北部的文安洼地区,其聚落的形成、发展,深受区域水文环境特别是洪水灾害的影响,在明清以来的晚近时期,表现得尤为明显。洼地位于大清河南岸与子牙... Flood and settlement development of Wen’Awa since Ming and Qing Dynasties Sun Donghu The rise and fall of rural settlement is one of the main symbols of regional development and environmental change in the traditional agricultural stage. Located in the area of ​​Wen’an Wa in the northern part of Haihe River Plain, the formation and development of its settlements are greatly affected by the regional hydrological environment, especially the flood disaster. It has been especially evident in the recent period since the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Depression is located in the South Bank of the Qing River and Ziya ...
The dynamic behavior of the moving liquid column coalescing with a sessile droplet in triangular microchannels is numerically investigated by using coupled volu
20 0 2年 5月 7日 ,财团法人日本科学协会常务理事福山征士先生和课长代理佐佐木文君女士 ,在中国国际友好联络会马农处长的陪同下 ,参观考察了我校图书馆及外语学院资料室的
SnO_2 hollow nanospheres were successfully synthesized via a facile one-step solvothermal method.Characterizations show that the as-prepared SnO_2 spheres are o
在中国,“房产税”并非是新名词。早在1986年,国务院就颁布了房产税暂行条例,但这个条例规定对个人所有非营业用的房产免纳房产税。2011年1月28日,上海和重庆对个人住房征收房产税改革进行试点。房产税试点已逾三年,是否全面开征房产税以及如何建立合理的房产税法律体系,一直是民众和媒体讨论的热点。  “重庆版”房产税偏重对高档房、别墅的征收,对存量、增量独栋别墅均征房产税,对新购高档商品房征税,对在重
The catalytic activity of carbon nanotubes-supported vanadium oxide(V_2O_5/CNTs) catalysts in the selective catalytic reduction(SCR) of NO with NH_3 at low temp
Polymer modification in the field of construction engineering has a history nearly 90 years. Mechanical properties, water resistance, chemical resistance and du