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当超过100亿美元的网络经济建立在上世纪70年代的网络基础上时,人们有理由严肃地质疑其安全性: 互联网会不会消亡美国俄亥俄州一家核工厂的信息系统连续两个小时发生错乱:墨尔本的一个火车站停运一星期;在斯德哥尔摩,两名病人被迫临时转院,因为红外线发生装置因电脑病毒而无法运行;在巴黎,成千上万的电话因错误而打到了消防队……这些并不是汤姆·克兰西的最新灾难小说中的场景,而是近来由于互联网故障而发生的一系列真实事故。发送信件、加入论坛,购物、银行结算和在线电话,国际互联网似乎无所不能。但如今已是日常生活组成部分的网络却显露出严重的缺陷。科学家汉努·卡里为此感到担心。他预言了互联网的彻底终结。这名赫尔辛基工业大学的教授并非一个荒诞不经的人,他在通过移动电话接入互联网的研究领域颇有建树。卡里在2001年就声称:“5年之后,互联网即便没有崩溃,也完全不会是现在的样子。”今天,在接受《快报》的采访时,他依然毫不改口,断定一个“拥挤、设计糟糕和不安全的系统”注定要消亡。 When more than 10 billion U.S. dollars in network economy were built on the network of the 1970s, there was reason to question its security seriously: the Internet will die out. An information system in a nuclear plant in Ohio, USA, has been in disorder for two hours in a row : A train station in Melbourne was out of service for a week; in Stockholm, two patients were forced to be temporarily transferred because of the infra-red device being out of action due to a computer virus; in Paris, thousands of phones hit the fire brigade due to errors ... ... These are not the scenes in Tom Clancy’s latest disaster novel, but a series of real accidents that have recently taken place due to the internet failure. Sending letters, joining forums, shopping, bank clearing and online phone calls, the Internet seems like nothing can be done. However, the networks that are now part of everyday life reveal serious flaws. Hannuale Cary, a scientist, is worried about it. He predicted the complete end of the Internet. The professor at Helsinki University of Technology is not an absurd person, and he has made a lot of research in the field of access to the Internet through mobile phones. Cary claimed in 2001: “After five years, the Internet will not be exactly what it is today, even if it has not collapsed.” Today, he accepted the Express interview with no change in his speech, concluding that “a crowded, Poorly designed and unsafe system ”is doomed.
目的 :观察颜面软组织与其深面的骨性结构在构成容貌基本特征上的关系及不同地区人群 ,不同人种容貌之间的差异。方法 :对四川籍 12 0例 (男女各半 ) 18岁以上正常汉族人按
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