
来源 :江西中医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:netfate
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建国十年来,在党和政府的正确领导和亲切关怀下,我省中医工作有了蓬勃的发展,取得了显著成绩。广大中医工作者抱着极其兴奋的热情,衷心拥护党的中医政策,为继承和发扬祖国医药遗产贡献自己一切力量。笔者从事临床工作二十余年,欣逢国庆佳节,谨将个人临床点滴体会介绍如下,请予批评指教。中风中风一病,中医在分类上,有从病的性质分真中、类中;有从病的原因分内风、外风、气中、食中、痰 In the ten years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, under the correct leadership and cordial care of the party and the government, the work of Chinese medicine in the province has developed vigorously and has achieved remarkable results. The majority of Chinese medicine practitioners embraced the excitement of enthusiasm and sincerely supported the party’s Chinese medicine policy and contributed all their strength to inheriting and carrying forward the medical heritage of the motherland. The author has been engaged in clinical work for more than 20 years and is happy to observe the National Day holiday. I would like to introduce personal clinical experience as follows. Please give me criticism and advice. Stroke stroke, a disease, Chinese medicine in the classification, from the nature of the disease in the real, in the category; there are reasons for the disease divided into the wind, the outside wind, gas, food, and phlegm
产地主产安徽青阳县丫山,南陵凤凰山、泾县一带,山东曹州,陕西宝鸡,以及四川、甘肃、湖南、湖北等省亦有出产。其中以安徽产量多。 The main producing areas were Qishan
前言庐山所产党参有两种,一种为真党参,野生,在庐山分布并不太多,为桔梗科植物,其学名为Codonopsis tangshen oliv.;另一种为羊乳,俗名党参,或称“奶婆娘”,亦属桔梗科,植物
地点:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号大山子798厂艺术区内邮编:100015 电话:010-64334579 传真:010-64340730 E-mail:chengxindong@263.net 2006年3月18日,程昕东国际当代艺术空间在
头花杜鹃(Rhododendron capitatumMaxim.)是我国西北地区杜鹃属植物中产量较多的一个品种,主要分布在青海、甘肃和四川等省。临床观察结果表明,其挥发油有较好的祛痰和镇咳
1.山西清徐县张福俊:增加养兔、养猪、养牛的专题及特种养殖方面的内容。对举办读者评刊表示赞同,认为对提高刊物质量有很好的效果。建议评刊卡单独印刷。 1. Zhang Xujun,