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前言在日本,桔小实蝇Bactroceradorsalis(英文简称OFF)以往发生于奄美Amami岛(AI)、冲绳Okinawa岛和Bonin岛(BI),瓜实蝇B.cucurbitae(英文简称MF)发生于AI和冲绳岛。这些果蝇曾严重地影响了当地的水... Preface In Japan, Bactroceradorsalis (OFF) was previously found in Amami Island (Amami), Okinawa Island and Bonin Island (BI) in Okinawa. Cucurbitae (MF) occurs in AI and Okinawa. These fruit flies have a serious impact on the local water ...
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