The optimal configuration of reciprocating engine based on maximum entransy loss

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fuzhi2009
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A class of two-heat-reservoir heat engine model with heat leakage,finite heat capacity high-temperature source and infinite heat capacity low-temperature heat sink,is researched with the finite-time thermodynamic theory and the entransy theory.The optimal configuration based on the minimum entropy generation and the maximum entransy loss under the given cycle is searched,which are compared with the optimal configuration based on the maximum output work,and all the heat transfer in the model is assumed to obey the Newton’s law.The results show that,for the infinite heat capacity high-temperature source,the optimal configuration does not change whether heat leakage exists or not;however,for the finite hightemperature reservoir,the optimal configuration is different among which based on the minimum entropy generation,the maximum entransy loss,and the maximum output work when the heat leakage exists. A class of two-heat-reservoir heat engine model with heat leakage, finite heat capacity high-temperature source and infinite heat capacity low-temperature heat sink, is researched with the finite-time thermodynamic theory and the entransy theory. Optimal based based on the minimum entropy generation and the maximum entransy loss under the given cycle is searched, which are compared with the optimal configuration based on the maximum output work, and all the heat transfer in the model is assumed to obey the Newton’s law. The results show that for the infinite heat capacity high-temperature source, the optimal configuration does not change heat heat leakage exists or not; however, for the finite high temperature reservoir, the optimal configuration is different among which based on the minimum entropy generation, the maximum entransy loss, and the maximum output work when the heat leakage exists.
10月14日 晴  一天,我在超市看到了烧烤的工具,就嚷嚷着爸爸给我买。爸爸是最疼爱我的啦,所以给我买了下来。  第一天买上,下午我们就去卧龙港准备烧烤。当然啦,卧龙岗可不是一个普通的地方,那里有山有水,很适合野餐呢!第一件事就是把烧烤的用具摆放整齐,爸爸便去钓鱼啦,我在这静静地坐着。我等了好长时间终于忍耐不住了,刚准备要叫爸爸回来,只见一条大鱼上钩了,我兴奋极了!  终于要烧烤啦,我高兴极了。不
母亲的脚痛风犯了,痛得无法下床,只得住进了医院,而我也不得不开始了陪护生活。  家离医院有些距离,路不太好走,而车更难等。年三十晚上,我在寒风中苦等了近半个小时,也没有一辆空车路过,就在我准备放弃坐车,打算步行回家的时候,一辆绿色的出租车在我身边戛然而止,我惊喜地奔上前去,却发现车上坐着一个穿红色毛衣的女乘客。我很沮丧,转身要走,却听见那位司机师傅冲我喊:“张老师,您上车!”我心里纳闷极了:“张老