Muon flux measurement at China Jinping Underground Laboratory

来源 :中国物理C(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:william_wng
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China Jinping Underground Laboratory(CJPL)is ideal for studying solar,geo-,and supernova neutri-nos.A precise measurement of the cosmic-ray background is essential in proceeding with R&D research for these MeV-scale neutrino experiments.Using a 1-ton prototype detector for the Jinping Neutrino Experiment(JNE),we detected 264 high-energy muon events from a 645.2-day dataset from the first phase of CJPL(CJPL-I),reconstruc-ted their directions,and measured the cosmic-ray muon flux to be(3.53 ±0.22stat.士0.07sys.)x 10-10 cm-2s-1.The observed angular distributions indicate the leakage of cosmic-ray muon background and agree with simulation data accounting for Jinping mountain's terrain.A survey of muon fluxes at different laboratory locations,considering both those situated under mountains and those down mine shafts,indicates that the flux at the former is generally a factor of(4±2)larger than at the latter,with the same vertical overburden.This study provides a convenient back-of-the-envelope estimation for the muon flux of an underground experiment.
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