[相关链接] 卡斯特罗(1927-),古巴共产党第一书记、古 巴国务委员会主席、部长会议主席。生于奥连特省 的甘蔗种植园主家庭。1950年毕业于哈瓦那大学 法律系,获法学博士学位。1953年7月26日发动 反巴蒂斯塔政权的起义,失败后被捕。1955年获 释后,组织“七·二六运动”。1958年4月率起义 军对巴蒂斯塔政权展开进攻,1959年1月1日全 国解放,起义军进入哈瓦那,建立临时政府。1959 年任古巴总理。1961年建立“古巴革命统一组织” (后更名为古巴共产党),任第一书记。
[Related Links] Castro (1927-), First Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party, Chairman of the State Council of Cuba, Chairman of the Council of Ministers. Born in Oliente Province, the main family of sugarcane plantations. In 1950 graduated from the University of Havana law, JD law. On July 26, 1953, the uprising against the Batista regime was launched and was arrested after the failure. After its release in 1955, it organized “July 26th Movement.” In April 1958, the rebel forces attacked the Batista regime. On January 1, 1959, the country was liberated. The rebel forces entered Havana and established a provisional government. In 1959 the Prime Minister of Cuba. Established in 1961, “Cuban Revolutionary Unification Organization” (later renamed the Cuban Communist Party), served as the first secretary.