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我国拥有上下五千年的历史,在这些历史当中包含着众多的文化韵味,其文化内涵以及精神元素是中国人民永远都追求和信奉的。在现代,同样有很多行业都将传统文化的意味融入到该行业当中。平面设计是现代艺术发展的结果,深受广大人民的关注和欢迎。如今,平面设计也将与传统文化元素相融合,从而开阔现代平面设计的发展空间。文章主要研究了平面设计与传统文化意味的融合。笔者期望通过对该方面知识的了解,能够更多的感受具有中国特色的文化风格。 My country has a history of five thousand years up and down. In these histories, it contains many cultural flavors. Its cultural connotation and spiritual elements are always pursued and worshiped by the Chinese people. In modern times, there are also many industries that integrate traditional culture with the industry. Graphic design is the result of the development of modern art and is well received by the general public. Today, graphic design will also be integrated with the traditional cultural elements, thus broadening the space for the development of modern graphic design. The article mainly studies the integration of graphic design and traditional culture. I hope through this knowledge, can feel more with Chinese characteristics and cultural style.
世间皆知德化窑白瓷——“中国白”闻名天下,殊不知德化窑彩瓷的魅力同样惊世骇俗。然而,除考古发现了清末民国初期的德化窑址有采集到彩瓷标本外,囿于史料阙如,关于德化窑五彩的始烧年代,众说纷纭。  德化五彩始烧何年  作为我国三大古瓷都之一、南方五大名窑之一,德化窑不但历史悠久,其制作工艺和手法也非常独特。一直以来,但凡谈及德化窑瓷,必提有“中国白”美誉的德化白瓷之精妙绝伦、瓷雕之传神,而很少赞叹装饰丰
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