
来源 :吉林农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xryanqd
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一、吉林省水稻育种的成就和存在问题(一)我省水稻育种历史成就我省水稻品种类型比较单一,农家品种基础差,建国前的水稻品种多数是从日本和朝鲜引进的。建国后,在全省科研单位,生产单位和农民育种家的共同努力下,全省品种更新,大体可分四个阶段:1.50年代,全省各地全面开展了群众性的评选地方良种活动,使日伪遗留下来的老 I. Achievements and Existing Problems of Rice Breeding in Jilin Province (I) The Historical Achievements of Rice Breeding in Jilin Province Rice cultivars in our province are relatively single in type. The foundation of farmers’ cultivars is poor. Most of the rice varieties before the founding of the People’s Republic of China were imported from Japan and North Korea. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, with the joint efforts of scientific research units, production units and farmer breeders throughout the province, the province’s variety can be roughly divided into four stages: 1.50 years, the mass selection of local thoroughbred activities has been carried out throughout the province, Puppet left over from the old
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