
来源 :材料与冶金学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fxyygs99
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Mechanical properties of iron matrix composites reinforced by different types of ceramic particles(SiC,Cr3C2,TiC and Ti(C,N)) prepared by the two-stage resistance sintering were studied experimentally.It was found that tensile strength of SiC/Fe composite shows the highest among the four types of composites.The elongation of all the composites decreases as increasing of reinforcement volume fraction.The stress-strain curves of the composites were simulated by Eshelby approach modeling to reveal the strengthening mechanisms.The modeling and microstructure observations suggest that the strengthening mechanism of the iron matrix composites relies not only on load sharing of the reinforcements but also on reinforcement increasing matrix strength. Mechanical properties of iron matrix composites reinforced by different types of ceramic particles (SiC, Cr3C2, TiC and Ti (C, N)) prepared by the two-stage resistance sintering were studied experimentally. It was found that tensile strength of SiC / Fe composite shows the highest among the four types of composites. The elongation of all the composites decreases as reinforcement of the volume fraction. The stress-strain curves of the composites were simulated by Eshelby approach modeling to reveal the strengthening mechanisms. The modeling and microstructure observations suggest that the strengthening mechanism of the iron matrix composites relies not only on load sharing of the reinforcements but also on reinforcement increasing matrix strength.
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