Chili Grower Defends World's Hottest Pepper 辣椒种植者为世界上最辣的辣椒辩护

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  A chili grower defended the world’s hottest pepper called the “Carolina Reaper” following a report about a man who was sent to hospital after eating the extremely spicy pepper at a contest.
  Salvatore Genovese grows the world’s hottest chili on his British farm. He said the pepper needs to be “correctly” cooked and eaten to prevent health problems.
  “We have sold, in the past couple of years or so, over half a million Carolina Reapers and I have never had any knowledge of anyone having to be in hospital,” Genovese told Sky News. “It’s not really designed to...just put it in your mouth and eat it...I would never do that and I wouldn’t recommend4 it.”
  “Just cook with it, make a curry5, take it out if you want to afterwards, and get the rich flavors from that super-hot chili,” he added.
  A report released last week by British Medical Journal detailed6 a 34-year-old man’s mistake of biting into the so-called “Carolina Reaper”—which made him sent to hospital. The man ate the pepper at a 2016 chili eating contest in upstate7 New York.
  Genovese said the pepper should be used and eaten accordingly to prevent health issues.
  “The way I always put it, is treat it like salt. You’re not going to take a handful of salt and put it in your food. Just use small amounts, use accordingly,” he said.
  The medical report also stated this was the first time a person was sent to hospital for eating a chili.
  Shahina Waseem, called Britain’s “Chili Queen”, also defended eating the Carolina Reaper and said the pain usually doesn’t last for a prolonged8 period—though she did admit eating the pepper makes her feel like she’s “dying” for a bit.
  “You start from light to the hottest chilies, you go through 13 or 14 rounds, and then you end up with the Carolina Reaper,” she said. “For me the pain would last an hour or two hours. I have heard of people suffering afterwards—for me it’s not so bad afterwards, but during the competition I feel like I’m dy-ing.”


  1. chili n. 红辣椒
  2. defend vt.
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