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孙宝传同志业余爱好钥匙链和纪念章收藏。近几年来,他专注于科技纪念章的专题收藏,至今已林林总总收藏了三百余枚。收藏中他发现,科技发展史,不单记载在史学家撰写的科技史书中,而且镌刻在雕塑家创意的科技纪念章上。这些纪念章,或忠实记录科技领域的重大事件,或生动展现科技英才的昔日风采,或形象描绘科学发现的当年场景,或真实重显技术发明的初始原型,它们既是历史史料,也是艺术珍品。可谓“收藏与历史连珠,艺术为技术添彩”。于是,他萌发了编写《纪念章上的科技史》一书的念头,试图以纪念章为线索,从一个独特的视角来勾画近代科技史的发展脉络,彰扬科技英才们的创新精神。在《纪念章上的科技史》一书正式出版之前,本刊征得作者的同意,以连载的形式,刊登该书有关新闻传媒及其技术的部分章节,以飨读者。具体内容如下:纸及印刷术的发明与报纸的问世,电报的发明与通讯社的产生,电话的发明与电话报纸的出现,无线电的发明与广播电台的出世,电视的发明与电视台的诞生,互联网的发明与新媒体的崛起。 Sun Baochuan hobby key chain and medal collection. In recent years, he has focused on the special collection of science and technology medals, so far it has amassed more than 300 pieces. In his collection, he found that the history of technological development was not only recorded in the history books written by historians, but also engraved on the sculptures of creative sci-tech medals. These medals, or faithful recording of major events in science and technology, or the vivid past that vividly demonstrated the talents of science and technology, or the images of the year when the science was discovered, or the initial prototypes of the invention of technology, are truly historical material and art treasures. Can be described as “collection and history Lianzhu, art for the technology Tim color ”. Thus, he germinated the idea of ​​compiling the history of science and technology on a medal, attempting to use the medal as a clue to outline the development of modern science and technology history and highlight the innovative spirit of scientific and technological talents from a unique perspective. Prior to the official publication of The History of Science and Technology in Medals, the journal obtained the consent of the author and published a series of chapters on the news media and its technology in a serial format to readers. The details are as follows: the invention of paper and printing, the advent of newspapers, the invention of telegraph and the formation of news agencies, the invention of telephones and the emergence of telephone newspapers, the invention of radio and the birth of radio stations, the invention of television and the birth of television stations, the Internet Invention and the rise of new media.
在计算机仿真、模拟技术如火如荼发展的今天,玻璃熔窑热工理论计算依然有其不可替代的作用。在前人研究工作的基础上,以1000 t/d平板玻璃熔窑为例,结合目前工程实际情况,介绍