Preparation of Bilayer Lipid Membrane and Its Voltammetric Behavior After Modification With Some π-C

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Artificial bilayer lipid membrane (BLM) is one of the most suitable models forstudies of the electrochemical behavior of various biomembranes.This excellent tech-nique has been developed and widely used in the investigation of a variety of physi-cal, chemical and biological phenomena related to the simulated biomembranes sincethe first black membrane was made by Fishman in 1962. This note reports a simpledesign for the preparation of asymmetric membrane and the experimental method forthe electrochemical measurements of BLM systems. As a preliminary work, BLM modi- Artificial bilayer lipid membrane (BLM) is one of the most suitable models forstudies of the electrochemical behavior of various biomembranes. This excellent tech-nique has been developed and widely used in the investigation of a variety of physi-cal, chemical and biological phenomena related to the simulated biomembranes since the first black membrane was made by Fishman in 1962. This note reports a simple design for the preparation of asymmetric membrane and the experimental method forthe electrochemical measurements of BLM systems. As a preliminary work, BLM modi-
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