Old Lady Recalls Road Building

来源 :China's Tibet | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xucaijuan302
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The mother of Vice Party Secretary Zholma lives with her daughter to the west of the Tashilhungpo Monastery. According to Zholma, many of the people living in that area are former road builders and her mother was happy to be there with these old acquaintances of hers. Zholma’s sister is called Qoinda and has worked as in the medical affairs section of the Xigaze Communications Bureau. She has two children including a son who is a road maintenance worker and a daughter who is 19 years old. To take care of her elderly mother, she took early retirement. I interviewed the old lady one morning. As she was supported out of her room, I could see that, despite her present hunched posture, she must have been a The mother of Vice Party Secretary Zholma lives with her daughter to the west of the Tashilhungpo Monastery. According to Zholma, many of the people living in that area are former road builders and her mother was happy to be there with these old acquaintances of hers. Zholma’s sister is called Qoinda and has worked as in the medical affairs section of the Xigaze Communications Bureau. She has two children including a son who is a road maintenance worker and a daughter who is 19 years old. To take care of her elderly mother, She took early retirement. I interviewed the old lady one morning. As she was supported out of her room, I could see that, despite her present hunched posture, she must have been a
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“我是一个技术工程师,在这个职位上工作了7年,我仍旧是个技术工程师。做技术难道就真的没有出路了吗?”看看英特尔的答案 “I’m a technical engineer and I’ve been wor
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