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在急性粒细胞性白血病(AML)的治疗中,骨髓移植是否优于化学疗法尚无定论。多数报告认为AML的首次缓解期中,骨髓移植的疗效以年轻患者为佳。根据国际骨髓移植中心发表的资料,1973~1986年于首次缓解期中施行骨髓移植的704例AML的5年生存率为48%,白血病的复发率为20%。从年龄上来看,年龄愈轻生存率愈高,25岁以下非白血病的5年生存率为58%,25岁以上为38%。文献中有关AML的治疗采用骨髓移植优于化学疗法的报告很多。Conde等报告AML的首次缓解期中,骨髓移植组3年的完全缓解率为70%,而化学疗法为10%,显示很大的差异。从年龄差别上来看,Weisdorf等报告149例白血病,移植后3年内的完全缓解率,18岁以上的48例中为45.4%,不满18岁的101例的完全缓解率为39.9%。AML骨髓移植后3年内的完全缓解率,成人为51.60%,小儿为52.9%,未见年龄差异。 In the treatment of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), whether bone marrow transplantation is superior to chemotherapy is inconclusive. Most reports suggest that the efficacy of bone marrow transplantation is better for younger patients during the first remission period of AML. According to data published by the International Bone Marrow Transplantation Center, the 5-year survival rate of 704 AML patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation during the first remission period from 1973 to 1986 was 48%, and the relapse rate of leukemia was 20%. From an age point of view, the younger the age, the higher the survival rate. The 5-year survival rate of non-leukemia patients under 25 years old is 58%, and that of those who are 25 years or older is 38%. There are many reports in the literature on the treatment of AML using bone marrow transplantation over chemotherapy. Conde et al. reported that in the first remission period of AML, the complete remission rate in the bone marrow transplantation group at 3 years was 70%, while chemotherapy was 10%, showing a large difference. From the perspective of age difference, Weisdorf et al reported 149 leukemia patients. The complete remission rate within 3 years after transplantation was 45.4% in 48 patients over 18 years of age, and the complete remission rate was 101.9% in 101 patients under 18 years of age. The complete remission rate within 3 years after bone marrow transplantation in AML was 51.60% in adults and 52.9% in children. There was no age difference.
我院1957~1985年经手术及病理证实的100例胃癌临床资料,其中30岁以下青年人和60岁以上老年人各占50例,本文对2组资料做了对比分析。 The clinical data of 100 cases of gas
北京大学俄语语言文学系 ,亦称北京大学俄罗斯语言文学系 ,简称北大俄语系。本系的前身是 192 0年北京大学设立的俄文系。溯其源 ,京师同文馆时期设有俄罗斯文馆 (同文馆于 1
原发性心包肿瘤极少,恶性肿瘤更为罕见。现将遇到的1例报告如下;男,60岁。因胸闷、心悸、头昏、咳嗽及时有 Primary pericardial tumors are rare and malignant tumors ar
我吃完了第二份俄式点心。与其说是出于需要 ,还不如说是出于习惯。我问弗朗西斯科 ,几点了。他对我说 ,时间还早 ,8点零 7分。他问我干吗急着要走 ,说 ,我们不过刚来嘛 :“