
来源 :计算机安全 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:agony2013
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背景:信息安全产业在过去三年中经历了快速的成长,特别是在资金、技术和规模方面。Internet Y2K的出现,在电子商务技术上的投资及网络犯罪的明显增加促进了信息安全行业的繁荣。财富级大公司和政府机构由于理解要防止社团的间谍带来的威胁而特别给予本行业巨大支持。他们认识到:在很大程度上大多数攻击来自企业内部,并且安全关系到社团的名声、客户的信任度和电子商务的安全性,所以投资不仅是投向安全,而是投向企业的整体利益。企业内的这种意识已使审计和执行管理的眼光转向在大的范围内保护企业的安全。在过去几年中在企业安全管理(ESM)工具上的投资已大为增加,因为机构内有一种增强的意识,就是必须更好地平衡这些年在各种信息安全监测点产品上所做的投资。这些产品工作得如何?如果我们正在受攻击,我们怎么知道?如何实时监控大量的日志文件以便遇到攻击时采用预先设定的响应和操作? Background: The information security industry has experienced rapid growth over the past three years, especially in terms of capital, technology and size. The emergence of Internet Y2K, investment in e-commerce technology and the marked increase in cybercrime have contributed to the prosperity of the information security industry. Fortune-class companies and government agencies are particularly supportive of the industry thanks to their understanding of the threats posed by corporate spyware. They recognize that to a large extent the majority of attacks come from within the enterprise and are securely linked to the community’s reputation, customer trust and e-commerce security, so investing is not just about investing in security, but rather the overall benefit of the business. This awareness in the enterprise has shifted the eyes of audit and executive management to the protection of business in a large area. Investment in Enterprise Security Management (ESM) tools has increased significantly over the past few years as there is an increased awareness within the organization that there is a need to better balance what these years do with the various information security monitoring point products investment. How well do these products work? How do we know if we are being attacked? How can we monitor a large number of log files in real time so that we can use pre-defined responses and actions in the event of an attack?
截止 2 0 0 0年底 ,诺基亚在中国的新增投资超过 7亿美元 ,总投资达 1 7.3亿美元 ;在中国销售收入达 2 8亿美元 ,出口突破 1 5亿美元 ,成为中国最大的外商出口企业之一。诺基
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本文结合重庆市城市发展改进都市公共开放空间的努力,从规划的层面,探讨如何重建失落的公共空间。 This article combines the efforts of Chongqing’s urban development