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近代以来,军阀政权对乡村基层社会的掠夺,使国家无法对基层社会提供有效的保障,国家在基层社会的形象与其说是保护者,不若说是以掠夺者形象而出现的。国家政权的存在在此特定时期在基层造成了乡村社会秩序的混乱,因而无法取得基层民众对国家政权的认同。认同危机导致了近代山东乡村基层政权的合法性危机,合法性危机的存在严重导致了基层民众对近代国家认同的危机。 Since the modern times, the plundering of the grass-roots society by the warlord regime has made it impossible for the state to provide an effective guarantee for grass-roots society. The state’s image in the grass-roots society is not so much a protector as it is in the image of a predator. The existence of the state power caused the chaos in the rural social order at the grassroots during this specific period, which made it impossible to obtain grassroots public recognition of the state power. The crisis of identity led to the crisis of legitimacy of the grassroots political power in the modern Shandong countryside. The existence of the crisis of legitimacy led to the crisis of the grassroots people’s recognition of the modern state.
在中国,相信很多人都知道那句名言“计算机普及要从娃娃抓起”。这句话里“娃娃”的原型就是16岁进清华,三年半修完了八年的课程,号称“清华园的神奇小子”的李劲。 In Chi
专家提醒:①青春发育提前是世界性的趋势。②早发育与性早熟不同,早发育可长高,性早熟则会变矮。③家长要正确对待早发育,同时应警惕性早熟。 Experts advise: ① early you
酸果蔓(越桔)生长在欧洲、北美洲及亚洲北部地区(Vaccinium oxycoccus L.),其高酸性的浆果可用来生产酒精饮料或调味品。由于酸果蔓果实的价值主要在于其艳丽的颜色,所以人