
来源 :经济管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianaiguo
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政府对市场经济宏观监督的主要职能是:制定并执行各种法规、条例,进行经济监督、行政监督、法律监督和社会监督。这四大监督职能又因其内容不同,而立法各有不同。笔者在此仅就经济行政执法监督目前的立法谈谈看法。从目前情况看,市场经济行政监督立法,确已取得了很大的成果。但是,这些立法内容还带有一定的计划经济立法下的色彩,而且有重规范轻执法的立法倾向,这会形成经济行政监督职能很大,职权过小的局面。譬如,国务院对工商行政管理机关的职能授权是:一要依法确认市场主体——生产、经营者的资格;二要依法维护市场主体的合法权利和权益;三要依法规范市场主体行为的公平竞争性;四要依法对 The main functions of the government in macro-supervision of the market economy are: to formulate and implement various laws and regulations, to carry out economic supervision, administrative supervision, legal supervision and social supervision. Because of their different contents, the four supervisory functions differ from one legislature to another. The author just talked about the current legislation on economic administrative law enforcement supervision. Judging from the current situation, the legislation on market economy administration supervision has indeed yielded great results. However, these legislative contents also bring under the certain planned economy legislation color, and there are some legislative tendencies to standardize the light law enforcement. This will result in a situation where the economic administrative supervisory function is very large and the functions and powers are too small. For example, the State Council’s functions and powers on the administrative organs for industry and commerce are as follows: First, it is necessary to confirm the qualifications of the market players - producers and operators according to law; second, to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of market players in accordance with the law; and thirdly, to regulate fair competition of market players in accordance with the law Sex; four according to law
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从泥泞小路回家  感谢一场场雨,让我的脚掌  深人故土,不能自拔  从泥泞的小路走过,儿时的衣裳  溅满泥水的小花,以至于  今天的记忆,飘着  金色的芬芳  那弯曲小路,伸向  梦幻的远方,連着贫瘠  让理想的种子,学会  朝阳光的方向生长  泥泞小路啊,让走出的我  多少回踏月色返家,脚下一滑  惊一头汗水,醒来后  珍惜着抱紧今天的生活  炊烟里的温暖  一缕缕炊烟,踏着钟点  把早中晚时光
保护外派劳务人员合法权益 促进劳务输出健康有序发展─—全国贯彻《劳动法》保护外派劳务人员合法权益会议召开特约记者王镇钢本刊记者齐国强全国贯彻《劳动法》、保护外派
有位青年人,非常刻苦,可事业上却没什么起色。他找到昆虫学家法布尔说:“我不知疲倦地把自己的全部精力都花在了事业上,结果却收获很少。”  法布尔同情、赞许地说:“看来你是一个献身科学的有志青年。”  这位青年说:“是啊,我爱文学,我也爱科学,同时,对音乐和美术的兴趣也很浓,为此,我把全部时间都用上了。”  这时,法布尔微笑着从口袋里掏出一块凸透镜,做了一个“小实验”:当凸透镜将太阳光集中在纸上一个点