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教育体制改革的不断深入,传统的高中物理教学模式逐渐被打破。现阶段的高中物理教学活动,既要能够满足新课标提出的要求,又要能够培养学生的合作能力。对此,高中物理教师要与时俱进更新教学方法,借助有效的教学手段,充分调动学生学习的积极性,切实提高物理教学课堂的质量。因此,传统的教学方法已经不能满足学生学习的需求,必须借助合作学习方法,来激发学生的学习兴趣,提高教学效率。 The deepening reform of education system, the traditional high school physics teaching mode has been gradually broken. At this stage of high school physics teaching activities, it is necessary to meet the requirements of the new course standard, but also be able to cultivate students' ability to cooperate. In this regard, high school physics teachers should keep pace with the times to update teaching methods, with effective teaching methods, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of students to effectively improve the quality of physics teaching classroom. Therefore, the traditional teaching methods can no longer meet the needs of students 'learning. It is necessary to use collaborative learning methods to stimulate students' interest in learning and improve teaching efficiency.
1  有一枚胎记,伴随了十几年。  它位于右眼角下方,椭圆,浅褐色,一枚蚕豆大小。  因为与之相处得久,每每抚摸,自是谙熟。说来也怪,它可以在我沮丧和失落时,源源不绝地带给心灵慰藉和温暖。或许人为之而感动的,往往不是美好而华丽的事物,反而是自卑与羞怯之后的破茧与成长,更加刻骨铭心。这种感觉,就像这枚胎记带给我的一样。  我从小便不具备传统意义上女孩温婉安静的性格。取而代之的反倒是男孩儿个性,喜与人
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甲午海战中的方伯谦是一个颇多争议的人物,曾被人说成是贪生怕死、临阵脱逃之徒。近年来对他又有了新说法。 Fang Boqian in the Sino-Japanese War in Jiawu was a controv
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AIM To compare the combinative andindividual effect of acarbose and gymnemic acid(GA) on maltose absorption and hydrolysis insmall intestine to determine wheth