来源 :Science in China,Ser.B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdn20907
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Using the truncated-spectrum model of Burger’s-Chao Jiping equation, in which thetemperature advection is involved, we investigated the role of three parameters (Ri number, Renumber, Pr number) in occurrence of turbulence. It is shown that the turbulence may oc-cur only in the case of Ri<0.25 and Rc>2π~2. If Pr is too small (Pr = 0.7 for the atmos-phere), then the turbulence may occur only in the case of introducing interaction betweenbasic field and perturbation field or adding “viscosity” to the model. It is emphasized thatthe temperature advection plays an important role in turbulence occurrence. On the parame-ter plane (Ri, Re), the atmospheric motion states can be divided into the O-region (basicstate), the P-region (periodic state), the T-region (chaotic state), and the T-P region (cha-otic-periodic transition state). In fact, this is appropriate. Finally, the physical reason of turbu-lence occurrence is discussed. Using the truncated-spectrum model of Burger’s-Chao Jiping equation, in which the temperature is involved, we investigated the role of three parameters (Ri number, Renumber, Pr number) in occurrence of turbulence. It is shown that the turbulence may oc- If Pr is too small (Pr = 0.7 for the atmos-phere), then the turbulence may occur only in the case of introducing interaction between the basic field and perturbation field or adding “viscosity ” to the model. It is emphasized that the temperature advection plays an important role in turbulence occurrence. On the parame-ter plane (Ri, Re), the atmospheric motion states can be divided into O-region (basicstate The P-region (periodic state), the T-region (chaotic state), and the TP region (cha-otic-periodic transition state). In fact, this is appropriate. Finally, the physical reason of turbu-lence occurrence is discussed.
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