搞好工会法执法检查 推动工会工作迈上新台阶 王兆国副委员长在工会法执法检查组第一次全体会议上的讲话(摘要)

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2004年,全国人大常委会安排了五项执法检查,工会法的执法检查是其中的一项。搞好这次执法检查,意义重大。吴邦国委员长明确要求,这次工会法执法检查首先要充分认识新时期工人阶级的领导地位,全心全意地依靠工人阶级,其次是通过这次执法检查,要解决广大职工群众最关心的突出问题。认真贯彻执行工会法,是实践“三个代表”重要思想,推动全心全意依靠工人阶级指导方针贯彻落实的本质要求;是实施依法治国方略,推进政府及其部门依法行政的客观需要;是加强工会自身改革和建设,进一步巩固党的阶级基础、加强党的执政能力建设的有效途径;是进一步树立和落实科学发展观,切实维护职工群众合法权益的重要措施。希望同志们从政治和大局的高度,充分认识执法检查的重要意义,精心组织、周密安排,切实搞好这次执法检查工作。 In 2004, the NPC Standing Committee arranged five law enforcement inspections and the law enforcement inspection of the trade union law was one of them. Doing a good job in this law enforcement inspection is of great significance. Chairman Wu Bangguo clearly demanded that the law enforcement inspection of the trade union law firstly fully understand the leadership position of the working class in the new era, rely wholeheartedly on the working class and, secondly, pass this law enforcement inspection to resolve outstanding issues of greatest concern to the masses of workers and staff. Conscientiously implementing the trade union law is the essential requirement of practicing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents and promoting the implementation of the guideline of wholeheartedly relying on the working class. It is an objective need to implement the strategy of governing the country according to law and to promote the administration by the government and its departments according to law. It is an important measure to further establish and implement the scientific concept of development and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers and staff members by reforming and building the trade union itself, further consolidating the party’s class foundation and strengthening the party’s ability to govern. I hope comrades from the political and overall situation, fully understand the significance of law enforcement inspection, meticulous organization, careful arrangements, and effectively improve the law enforcement inspection.
1 病例介绍 例1 患者男,15岁。因双眼眶、鼻孔、口腔、口周、双手掌、背、双跖部及肛周反复出现鳞屑性脱皮糜烂长达7~8年,双手握拳双足行走疼痛,食欲不振,于1996年2月3日来我
国内同事一天做了100件事,可能成功了10件;而德国同事一天做了20件事,但是成功了20件。  转眼间来到徐工欧洲采购中心已经三个月了。在适应新工作环境的同时,也在感悟着德国同事的工作风格。  与德国同事工作的第一感觉:慢!  德国同事工作的一个口头禅:Not that hurry!凡事都不会催。  对比德国同事而言,中国的同事则更多地会问:什么时候可以给我?能不能再快点?所以我刚从国内过来的时候
Wilson病是一种常染色体隐性遗传的铜代谢疾病 ,对于大多数患者 ,药物治疗能获得显著效果。肝移植目前亦受到广泛重视 ,用于重症的肝型和脑型患者。本文介绍了治疗Wilson病的