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正是国家意志的单一性和公共性,使个人承认国家的意志也是他自己的意志,从而服从国家意志对自己的权力和力量的调用,保证了国家的统一性。国家作为一个人造统一体也因此与自然上具有多个意志和多个利益的大众相区别。在《论公民》中,霍布斯沿用了传统的支配权概念来理解主权者和臣民之间的关系:臣民只是主权者的私有财产。这种主权理论不仅无法讲出国家意志的公共性,更无法解决臣民与主权者之间的权利转让困境。《利维坦》中的代表与授权关系提供了理解主权者与臣民关系的新视角:臣民授权并放弃使用自己力量的权利给主权代表者;主权者在关涉所有人的自我保存这一公共利益上,有权利代表臣民使用其权利,并要求臣民服从国家的意志,朝向公共利益。代表理论在某种程度上解决了权利转让的困难,也保证了国家意志的单一性和公共性。但是,霍布斯的主权理论始终允许个人可以将国家的公共利益和公共意志还原为个人意志和个人利益,因而无法讲出政治生活的自成一类性。 It is the unity and publicity of the will of the state that makes it possible for an individual to recognize the will of the state as his own will to obey the will of the state to invoke its own power and power and ensure the unity of the state. As a man-made unity, the state thus distinguishes itself from the general public who has multiple wills and multiple interests in nature. In “On Citizenship,” Hobbes followed the traditional concept of dominance to understand the relationship between sovereign and subordinate subjects: the subject matter is the private property of the sovereign. This theory of sovereignty can not only explain the public nature of the will of the state, but can not even solve the plight of the transfer of rights between the subjects and the sovereign. The representative and authoritative relationship in Leviathan provides a new perspective for understanding the relationship between the sovereign and the subjects: the subjects empower and abandon the right to use their own power to the sovereign representative; and the sovereign in the public interest concerning the self-preservation of all Have the right to use their rights on behalf of the subjects, and require the subjects to obey the will of the state and toward the public interest. To a certain extent, the representative theory has solved the difficulties of the right transfer and also ensured the unity and publicity of the state will. However, Hobbes’s theory of sovereignty has always allowed individuals to restore the public interest and public will of the country to personal will and personal interests, thus failing to explain the self-contained nature of political life.
一天,县里某局的姚局长和姚科长在饭局遇上了,酒至半酣,说的话越来越随便,聊着聊着就聊到了辈分的问题。  姚局长说:“一笔写不出两个姚字,天下的姚姓是一家。我姓姚,叫姚忠义,你也姓姚,叫姚广仁,这要是按辈分,你长我两辈,我得叫你爷爷呢。”  姚科长忙端着酒杯站起来:“不是,不是。我名字中间这个字是我爹随便取的,我实际是‘有’字辈,按辈分我应该叫姚有仁。”  姚局长听了哈哈大笑:“原来如此!如果你是‘
中山市人民检察院的前身是中山县人民检察署和石岐市人民检察署,始建于1954年,“文革”期间被撤销。1978年7月,重建中山县人民检察院。1984年2月,因中山撤县建市,改称 Zhong
我家的邻居是养蚕的桑农,每年的夏季,都要养蚕,在养蚕的那段时间里,每天都要打三担桑叶才够这些蚕吃,非常辛苦。  有一天,我跟隨邻居来到他家的桑地里打桑叶,只见他家桑地里的桑树长得十分茂盛,一排一排的桑树足有两米来高,枝叶长得密密麻麻,一片片的桑树叶子比大人的手掌还要大。在桑树丛里打桑叶,几乎看不见人的身影,就像穿行在青纱帐里。  我发现,邻居打桑叶,总是从头到尾把一棵树上的桑叶一片片地摘下来,只是
亲爱的妈妈:  您在哪里?您在天国好吗?您唯一的儿子好想你呀!  自从九年前那个阴冷的隆冬,您受厄于肺阻塞、肺心病最后疯狂的折磨,奋力抗争无效之后,您不得不离开您至亲至爱的儿女、孙子外孙、亲戚朋友,离开您无比热爱的生活,撒手人寰而去,到今天,已经整整九年三个月了。在这漫长的日子里,虽然儿常常在梦中和您相见、谈笑,一旦梦醒,儿总不禁心中失望、惆怅和阵阵痛楚……  在今年清明节来临之际,一想到您那大起