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如果说,当初从《幸运三七二十一》走出来时还有些稚气的话,而今《真情》中端庄温婉、成熟稳重,仇晓已是荧屏上一道迷人的风景。这是一个冬阳很好的下午。在湖南国际影视会展中心的一个音乐茶座里,仇晓就坐在记者身边的沙发上。夕阳照着她黑亮的短发,她安静的神情让人想到东方女性传统的美丽。和着窗外水池里碎银似不断涌动的波纹,我们的对话开始了。初学主持:我父母都是普通工人,他们起初不同意。我觉得播音员挺遥远的 If we say that when we first got out of “Lucky 2771”, we still had some childlike words. Now the dignified and gentle, mature and steady Qiu Xiao is a charming scene on the screen. This is a good winter afternoon sun. In a music cafe in Hunan International Film and Television Convention and Exhibition Center, Qiu Xiao sat on the couch beside the reporter. The sunset shines on her dark, short hair, her quiet look reminiscent of the beauty of Oriental women’s traditions. And the rippling waves of broken silver in the sink outside the window, our conversation began. Beginner host: my parents are ordinary workers, they initially disagree. I think the announcer is far away
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Based on analyses of the share of documents of structural geology and tectonics in the GeoRef system over 100 years in the last century, and the historical chan
目的 评价前哨淋巴结(SLN)对早期宫颈癌盆腔淋巴结转移状况的预测价值,探讨检测SLN在指导早期宫颈癌盆腔淋巴清扫术中的意义.方法对2002年11月~2003年8月在山东省肿瘤医院手术治疗的23例早期宫颈癌患者行SLN检测,分别利用亚甲蓝和99mTc-硫胶体定位并原位切除SLN送快速冰冻病理检查,然后行经腹广泛全子宫切除+盆腔淋巴清扫术,比较SLN快速冰冻切片、SLN及其他盆腔淋巴结石蜡切片和抗角
恶性胸膜间皮瘤(malignant pleural mesothelioma,MPM)是一种少见但是恶性度极高的胸部疾病,来源于胸膜表面的间皮细胞,以局部侵袭为主要特征,好发于65岁以上老年人群[1]。
认识刘迪耕老先生是几年前在他举 办的一次画展上,始知湖南还有这样一 位耄耋之年,人称迪老、迪公的著名传统 山水画大家。 一天,他忽然骑着电动单车到我住 处来了,并送来了
【Abstract】Individual difference has played a more and more important role in second language acquisition and it interacts with second language writing which is a skillful and complex task. And there i
《读书》杂志1980年第2期上发表了由曹治英署名的一篇文章,评我们写的小册子《现代物理学的革命和两条哲学路线的斗争》,对我们这本书提出了一些有益的批评意见,也提出了许多值得进一步讨论的原则问题。为了对读者负责,我们有必要公开地对书中的缺点错误作一番清理,并对有争议的问题作出答复。    一    《现代物理学的革命和两条哲学路线的斗争》(学习《唯物主义和经验批判主义》第五章的体会)一书,是应人民出
The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis(SWH) highlights Sapir’s and Whorf’s viewpoints of the relationship between language and thought. They hold that language and though
Combining the self-stimulated Raman scattering technology and saturable absorber of Cr~(4+):YAG, a 1.17 μm c-cut Nd:GdVO_4 picosecond Q-switched laser is demon