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当年因签署独立宣言,而犯下了谋反罪的那些人,后来怎样了呢?那是一个阳光灿烂的早晨。一大早,托马斯·杰弗逊就起床了,他先抽时间去给在Monticello家中的妻子玛莎买手套,然后直奔费城的州议会大厦参加大陆会议。那天气温是华氏72度,但是,门一关,会议室里 What happened to those who committed the crime of treason by signing the Declaration of Independence? It was a sunny morning. Early in the morning, Thomas Jefferson got up. He first took time to buy gloves for his wife Martha in Monticello’s house, and then went straight to the Philadelphia State Capitol building for a mainland conference. The temperature was 72 degrees Fahrenheit on that day, but the door was closed in the conference room.
问:(北京广播学院方晨)我有几个问题请教:(一)有这样一句:①VeryfewGermansknewofherexistenceandevenfewerofherrelationshiptoHitler.fewer与of之间省了knew,这是否可以?(... Q: (Beijing Broadcasting Institute Fang Chen) I have several questions to ask: (a) Ther
Peoplemaythink,itisnotgoodtobeateacherbecausethejobbringsasmallsalaryandalowsocialposition.ButIfindteachingischallengingandatth Peoplemaythink,itisnotgoodtobeateacherbecausethejobbringsasmallsalaryandalowsocialposition. ButIfindteachingischallengingandat
《科技英语学习》的编辑们: 我是育才中学的一名学生MEEKO,马上就要升高三了。我从第一眼看到你们的这本杂志就知道自己又遇上了一位好朋友,现在和她交往的时间越长,感觉就
在最近进行的尿检中发现:邻苯二甲酸盐(Phthalates)的含量比以前预想的要高。而Phthalates are used as stabilizer(稳定剂)in cosmetics and softeningagents in plastics l
洗手,乃小事一桩,却能预防疾病。美国的公共厕所整洁明亮,即使以“暗香浮动”写之,亦不为过。但是,据明察暗访,却发现了一个令人啼笑皆非 的实情: 95% of men and women say t
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ORIGINATING in China, tea drinking as well as tea culture has a long standing history of three to four thousand years. The formal tea ceremony had been in gradu