Sustainable Development Path of 100B Yuan Liuzhou Iron and Steel

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  For China’s Guangxi Liuzhou Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. 2019 is a year of remarkable accomplishments, in which it achieved the continuous growth amid the depression of the iron and steel industry, with business revenue exceeding RMB 100 billion yuan, making itself the first manufacturing enterprise based in Guangxi, China that realizes an annual income of more than RMB 100 billion yuan, another impressive accomplishment after it became the first Guangxi-based state-owned enterprise with an annual profit over  RMB 10 billion yuan in 2018.
  “Figure is only the external form of expression, behind which it represents the steady and sustainable development of Liuzhou Steel Group over the past four and five years,” said Pan Shiqing, Party Secretary and Chairman of Guangxi Liuzhou Iron and Steel Group, in the exclusive interview with China-ASEAN Panorama.
  All-round innovation and diversified development
  From 2010 to 2015, China’s iron and steel sector with overcapacity and inappropriate industrial structure sustained loss for years. As the major player of the sector, Liuzhou Steel Group could not get itself spared from the losing streak and for the first time since the nationwide reform and opening-up in 1978 registered a loss in 2015, which was the first year when Pan Shiqing served as the head of the group.
  “The deep trouble of the industry was actually a good time for a firm with strengths to stand out,” argued Pan Shiqing, adding that faced with difficulty, only innovation could make a breakthrough and that innovation did not stand on its own but was closely related to all positions and all businesses of the company. Consequently, the group began its path toward all-round reform and innovation covering management systems, marketing models, products and so on.
  For instance, in product innovation, Liuzhou Steel Group continued to optimize its main business on iron and steel, which focused on conducting research and development of new products, promoting new technology application, enhancing steel product performance and increasing the ratio of grade steel in product mix that reached 60.2% and generated a revenue of RMB 665 million yuan in 2019. Another example is the marketing model that was shifted from the one featuring sale by output to the one by sale. Digital marketing was also put into active use and production adjusted flexibly in response to the market demand, to achieve the shortest production and fastest delivery and to prevent ineffective supply.   With all-round innovation implemented, Liuzhou Steel Group witnessed the significant rise in the operating efficiency indicators such as profit rate of steel per ton, steel production per capita, profit rate of sales, etc., achieving the high quality development. In 2017, the profit of the group came into the top 10 of the sector in the country and its performance in 2018 made the best record in history.
  Meanwhile, the “winter of iron and steel industry” experienced in 2014 and 2015 made the management of the group realize that the sole reliance on steel business is vulnerable and only diversified development is the right answer to withstanding market risks. Over the past few years, Liuzhou Steel Group has formed the business model of “1+4+X”, in which “1” is the iron and steel business; “4” stands for the trade and logistics, energy and chemical engineering, environmental protection and comprehensive utilization of resources, service business; “X” means building engineering, information technology, etc. with the scale and profit sources becoming more balanced. In 2019 the group realized a revenue of RMB 37.652 billion yuan for its diversified business, accounting for nearly 40% of its total income, and the profit also reached RMB 917 million yuan, bringing the two figures to a record high.
  Pan Shiqing said that the enhanced quality, and the optimized business model brought by the reform and innovation are the very foundation on which Liuzhou Steel Group achieves sustainable development and breakthroughs.
  Implementing the coastal strategy and aiming at ASEAN market
  Of the countries along the Belt and Road Initiative route, more than 70% are net importers of steel and major target markets of Chinese steel products. At the same time, the infrastructure projects, and economic cooperative zones sponsored by China in these countries will fuel the export of steel, which provides good opportunities for Liuzhou Steel Group to take part in the Belt and Road Initiative. Currently, products of the group are mainly intended for markets in south China’s Guangxi and Guangdong, with extension reaching other markets in eastern, central and southwestern parts of the country and export covering some 10 countries and regions in East Asia, South Asia, Americas and Africa.
  “At present, our markets are mainly in China, but in the future, the ASEAN and other countries along the Belt and Road Initiative route will definitely be our targets,” said Zhang Weiquan, Deputy Party Secretary and Manager of Distribution Company of Liuzhou Steel Group.   Headquartered in Liuzhou, Liuzhou Steel Group will intensively implement the coastal strategy, which is to expedite the marine economy by building the new iron and steel base with the annual output capacity of 10 million tons in Fangchenggang and the important Liuzhou Steel Zhongjin stainless production base, with a strategic aim at the future and the overseas market in ASEAN countries and beyond.
  As the high cost of logistics especially over-land transport for heavyweight of iron and steel products, the export business is in disadvantage, but geographical advantage stands out in Fangchenggang, a city located in the southwest tip of the coastline of the Chinese mainland and the only port city in China with land and sea connections with the ASEAN countries. A new base built in this city will cut the land transport mileage to save billions of yuan in cost, thus establishing the competitiveness of the group in logistics.
  On December 26, 2019, the No. 1 blast furnace of the Fangchenggang Iron and Steel Base achieved the trial operation, and created the amazing “Speed of Lizhou Steel Group” with only 13 months taken for the construction. With the fast development of the Fangchenggang project, the city will be made an important window of the Belt and Road Initiative to achieve the export of steel products to the ASEAN countries and to promote the deployment of iron and steel capacity of China in the world.
  Fighting epidemic and growing with “strength”
  Since January 2020, the widespread novel coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic has posed a huge threat to the whole world. Liuzhou Steel Group has established the leading body and a working mechanism for epidemic prevention and control, with staff set on duty around the clock to execute the order of “day-to-day reporting of even zero case”, tightening the safety net to fight against the virus. As of March 20, no suspected or confirmed cases has been reported from employees and their family members company-wide (including the headquarter in Liuzhou, the Iron and Steel Base in Fangchenggang, Liuzhou Steel Zhongjin Company in Yulin and the subsidiaries in Guilin and Nanning).
  While conducting prevention and control of epidemic to ensure the safety and health of its employees, Liuzhou Steel Group has voluntarily undertaken its social responsibility as a state-owned enterprise. For example, it donated RMB 30 million yuan to the authorities of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Liuzhou, Fangchenggang, Yulin cities, and 8,920 medical masks of various specifications to Guangxi Red Cross Society, to help the local authorities to secure the victory in the war against the epidemic; it sent 12 medical workers to the frontline in Wuhan, the epicenter of the epidemic.   In addition, Liuzhou Steel Group tried its utmost to overcome the difficulty in people’s movement, logistics and transport to ensure the strong and orderly resumption of work after the epidemic. From January to February this year, the group did not suspend its normal production amid the epidemic, but reported good news one after another: the iron and steel output of the headquarter in Liuzhou grew by more than 5% respectively, with iron making a new record with a 36,800-ton output; the iron and steel base in Fangchenggang succeeded in placing the first caisson for the berth of 100,000-ton capacity; the Zhongjin project of stainless steel in Yulin was under construction officially; two new products were developed and 5 items of new product reserves completed.
  Moreover, during the epidemic, to encourage the flux suppliers for the resumption of work, Liuzhou Steel Group voluntarily offered higher purchase prices of raw materials to help upstream and downstream firms tide over difficulties.
  It is not an overstatement that Liuzhou Steel Group not only reduced the negative impact of the epidemic to the maximum, but also played the role of “pillar” or “stabilizer” in the local economic growth. For the development in the future, Pan Shiqing was full of confidence, “The impact of the current epidemic on the national economy will be short-term and controllable, which will not change the trend of economic growth as a whole in the country. Liuzhou Steel Group will continuously take a variety of extraordinary measures to recover the lost time in production and project construction to speed up the growth of the company.”
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在马来西亚,中国阿里巴巴集团正通过聚划算电商平台,帮助马来西亚商家开展促销活动,为当地特色农产品更快走进中国市场打开了通路;在泰国,中国科学院空天信息研究院着手开展的“泰国曼谷城市智能交通高精度导航定位技术研究”,将助力曼谷提升交通行业实时信息获取和智能管理水平;在老挝,中国农业技术专家的到来让当地村民们的日子有了希望和盼头……  自中国—东盟自贸区成立以来,经济技术合作作为框架协议下的重点内容也
中国海关总署网站日前更新了批准注册登记的柬埔寨大米企业名单,18家大米企业新增在列。至此,拥有出口中国资质的柬埔寨大米企业已达44家。中国驻柬埔寨大使馆官员表示,相信这18家大米企业的加入,将助力完成中柬两国领导人达成的中国进口40万吨柬埔寨大米的共识。  据柬埔寨大米出口单一窗口秘书处报告,2019年前11个月,柬埔寨向60个国家和地区出口大米,其中中国是最大的大米出口市场,柬埔寨对中国大米出口
在中国—东盟自贸区成立的10多年里,中国与东盟经历了一个经贸合作的黄金时期,同时双方的企业也抓住了这个机遇期,让双向投资取得了长足的发展。  2018年,东盟首次超过英属维尔京群岛,跻身中国第二大对外投资目的地。而东盟也仅次于中国香港和欧盟,成为中国第三大投资来源地。不过,从2010年到2020年,中国—东盟双向投资变的并不仅仅是这些。  “走出去”投资更便利了  在泰国东部海岸、距离首都曼谷东南
马来西亚总理马哈蒂尔于2019年12月10日表示,将会在2020年的亚太经合组织(APEC)峰会后将政治权力移交给其带领的执政联盟中最大党人民公正党的实权领袖安瓦尔。但是关于权力交接的具体时间点,马哈蒂尔没有明确回答。至此,马哈蒂尔“交棒”一事再次延后,引起众多媒体的关注和解读。  美国彭博社:马哈蒂尔继任计划的不确定性为马来西亚政治蒙上了阴影。安瓦尔与被视为其竞争对手的经济部长阿兹敏之间的冲突增
自中国—东盟自由贸易区启动以来,货物贸易就是其中收益最显著的一个领域。十多年来,中国—东盟自贸区从建成到升级,中国—东盟货物贸易的发展水平也在一点点稳步向前。  第一步:“早期收获计划”  2002年11月,在柬埔寨举行的第六次东盟与中国领导人会议上,中国和10个东盟成员国签署了《中国与东盟全面经济合作框架协议》。如果说这是中国—东盟自贸区建设的起点,那么“早期收获计划”可以说是中国—东盟自由贸易
中国—东盟自贸区的建设令中国—东盟服务贸易逐步走向自由化,激发了服务贸易的发展潜力,但无论是贸易规模还是贸易范围,中国—东盟服务贸易的“丰收季节”仍然还在路上。  逐步自由化  在中国与东盟启动了自贸区建设进程后,双方于2007年签署了自贸区框架下的《服务贸易协议》,开启了中国—东盟服务贸易自由化的进程。这种自由化主要体现在市场准入和国民待遇两个方面。  在市场准入方面,中国与东盟国家互相开放具体
在自由贸易协定如雨后春笋般出现的今天,评价一个自贸协定是否有价值,能不能惠及成员方、企业显然是其中一个重要的标准。当我们总结回顾中国—东盟自贸区建设的成果时,“有没有用”“有什么用”也时常成为我们思考的一个问题。  受益于“早期收获计划”及关税的大幅削减,在中国—东盟货物贸易中占有重要位置的农产品贸易显然成为最早“见效”的合作领域之一。从价格更实惠的热带水果,到品种更多样的冰鲜,中国—东盟自贸区建
在刚刚过去的2019年里,贸易保护主义、单边主义的阴云不仅没有阻隔中国—东盟的经贸合作,反而让双方的经贸关系更为升温。2019年1~11月,东盟超过美国成为了中国的第二大贸易伙伴,其中,中国向东盟出口达3230.9亿美元,同比增长11.5%;中国从东盟进口达2549.5亿美元,同比增长2.8%,中方顺差681.4亿美元,较2018年同期的425.7亿美元增长60.1%。  在为中国—东盟双边贸易额