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甲午战争后,清政府决定赶造贯通内地的粤汉铁路,以杜绝列强觊觎利权。为弥补铁路建设技术和资金的缺乏以及制约俄法势力在华扩张,清政府不惜接受苛刻条件而将美国势力延入粤汉路建设中。但由于种种原因,承筑粤汉铁路的美国公司不但拖延工程,而且违约将公司股票售给以俄法两强为靠山的比利时。“速成干线”和“以夷制夷”策略的落空使中国朝野为之哗然,鄂湘粤三省商民自发支持清政府赎回粤汉铁路修筑权。稍后,无法独力筹办路事的清政府又不得不顺应商民的要求而同意干线商办。但是,干线商办同样因为资金、技术、经验和材料的欠缺而陷入了举步维艰的困境,远远不能达到清政府速成干线的预想。清政府权衡利弊后决定收回三省铁路商办权,由官方统筹规划、举借外债以速成干线。但是,国库的严重亏空以及政府威信的急剧下跌使得清政府无法完成“干线国有”的艰巨任务,相反还激起了大规模的民间抗议活动,加速了清政府的垮台。 After the Sino-Japanese War of 1894, the Qing government decided to rush through the Guangdong-Hanhai railway that runs through the hinterland so as to eliminate the prerogatives of the powers. In order to make up for the lack of railway construction technology and funds and to restrict the expansion of the Russian and French forces in China, the Qing government did not hesitate to accept the harsh conditions and extended the U.S. forces to the construction of the Yue Han Road. However, for various reasons, the U.S. companies that constructed the Yue-Han Railway not only delayed the project, but also defaulted on selling the shares of the company to Belgium, which backed both Russia and France. The fall of China’s ruling and opposition regimes caused the fall of China’s ruling and opposition regimes. Merchants in Hubei, Hunan and Guangdong provinces spontaneously supported the Qing government in redemption of the construction rights of the Yuehan Railway. Later, the Qing government, unable to organize its own affairs alone, had to agree with the merchants on the demand of the merchants. However, the trunk line operators are also in a difficult situation due to the lack of capital, technology, experience and materials, far from meeting the expectation of the Qing government. After weighing the pros and cons of the Qing government, the Qing government decided to withdraw the right of railway operators in the three provinces. However, the serious deficit of the treasury and the sharp fall of government prestige made it impossible for the Qing government to complete the arduous task of “state-owned trunk lines,” but it also provoked massive non-governmental protests and accelerated the collapse of the Qing government.
目的 探讨锌制剂辅助治疗小儿腹泻病的临床效果.方法 选择本院2010年1月~2013年1月收治的76例小儿腹泻患儿为研究对象,按照就诊顺序将其随机分为治疗组和对照组.对照组给予常