Investigation of enhancement in planar fast neutron detector efficiency with stacked structure using

来源 :Nuclear Science and Techniques | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lsy0718
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Geant4 based Monte Carlo study has been carried out to assess the improvement in efficiency of the planar structure of Silicon Carbide(SiC)-based semiconductor fast neutron detector with the stacked structure. A proton recoil detector was simulated, which consists of hydrogenous converter, i.e., high-density polyethylene(HDPE) for generating recoil protons by means of neutron elastic scattering(n, p) reaction and semiconductor material SiC, for generating a detectable electrical signal upon transport of recoil protons through it. SiC is considered in order to overcome the various factors associated with conventional Si-based devices such as operability in a harsh radiation environment, as often encountered in nuclear facilities. Converter layer thickness is optimized by considering 10~9 neutron events of different monoenergetic neutron sources as well as ~(241)Am-Be neutron spectrum. It is found that the optimized thickness for neutron energy range of 1–10 MeV is ~400 μm. However, the efficiency of fast neutron detection is estimated to be only 0.112%,which is considered very low for meaningful and reliable detection of neutrons. To overcome this problem, a stacked juxtaposition of converter layer between SiC layers has been analyzed in order to achieve high efficiency. It is noted that a tenfold efficiency improvement has been obtained—1.04% for 10 layers stacked configuration vis-à-vis 0.112% of single converter layer detector. Further simulation of the stacked detector with respect to variable converter thickness has been performed to achieve the efficiency as high as ~3.85% with up to 50 stacks. Geant4 based Monte Carlo study has been carried out to assess the improvement in efficiency of the planar structure of Silicon Carbide (SiC) -based semiconductor fast neutron detector with the stacked structure. A proton recoil detector was simulated, which consists of hydrogenous converter, ie , high-density polyethylene (HDPE) for generating recoil protons by means of neutron elastic scattering (n, p) reaction and semiconductor material SiC, for generating a detectable electrical signal upon transport of recoil protons through it. SiC is considered in order to overcome the various factors associated with conventional Si-based devices such as operability in a harsh radiation environment, as often encountered in nuclear facilities. Am-Be neutron spectrum. It is found that the optimized thickness for neutron energy range of 1-10 MeV is ~ 400 μm. However, t he efficiency of fast neutron detection is estimated to be only 0.112%, which is considered very low for meaningful and reliable detection of neutrons. To overcome this problem, a stacked juxtaposition of converter layer between SiC layers has been analyzed in order to achieve high efficiency It is noted that a tenfold efficiency improvement has been obtained - 1.04% for 10 layers stacked configuration vis-à-vis 0.112% of single converter layer detector. Further simulation of the stacked detector with respect to variable converter thickness has been performed to achieve the efficiency as high as ~ 3.85% with up to 50 stacks.
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