营业执照被吊销 遭遇质量纠纷,谁来诉讼?

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2004年8月1日,孙先生所在的甲公司与某涂料公司签订了一份涂料买卖合同,合同约定,由涂料公司向甲公司承包的某小区外墙粉刷工程提供涂料,涂料分批供货,到货时按批付款。合同签订后的三个月里,涂料公司按照约定陆续将涂料供应给甲公司,甲公司支付了部分货款。2005年3月份,甲公司接到小区建设单位的通知,说发现部分外墙出现涂料脱落现象。甲公司随即派孙先生及两名施工负责人到现场查看。在确定情况后,孙先生即与涂料公司联系,要求涂料公司派人到现场商量如何解决。 On August 1, 2004, Company A, where Mr. Sun was located, signed a sales and purchase contract with a coating company. According to the contract, paint and coating materials were supplied in batches by a paint company for painting a façade project contracted by Company A When the arrival of the payment by batch. Three months after the signing of the contract, the coating company in accordance with the contract will be supplied to a coating company, a company to pay part of the purchase price. In March 2005, Company A received a notice from the residential construction unit that it was found that part of the exterior wall had paint shedding. A company immediately sent Mr. Sun and two construction heads to the scene view. After confirming the situation, Mr. Sun contacted the paint company and asked the paint company to send someone to the site to discuss how to solve it.
编者按:2007上半年,沪深股指像是被注入了兴奋剂,不断创出新高,每天有几十万人开户入市,当沪深股票账户总数已突破1亿的刹那间,股市几乎与每个人都息息相关了。不过在这漫天的股市浪潮中,也在不断上演着一出出喜剧、悲剧、闹剧,而庄严的法庭,不幸成为这一幕幕戏剧演出的场所之一。  本期选取当前大牛市背景下的两起典型诉讼,提醒读者,炒股与挣钱之间没有等号,股市从来就是有风险的,这种风险既源于证券市场固有的
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