
来源 :中国设备管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hejiashuo
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仪化公司自1984年投产以来,在设备管理方面取得了突出成绩.为公司生产经营顺利发展,经济效益逐年增长创造了重要条件.十多年的实践证明,领导重视是搞好设备管理工作的关键.仪化公司一、二期工程共引进八套聚酯装置和两条纺丝生产线主要设备及工艺技术,分别具有70年代末和80年代初国际先进水平.要使这些设备保持性能先进,实现长周期、安全、稳定运行,加强设备管理是重要保证.从仪化第一任总经理、现任纺织总会副会长任传俊,到现任总经理陈锦芳、党委书记朱恪礼都极为重视设备工作,并为之创造了许多条件.1.重视管理机构建设仪化建设初期,为了使设备选型、购置、接运、保管、检验等工作统筹、有序地进行,即成立了设备处,全权负责设备前期管理工作.随着第一套生产装置的投产,公司及时转变设备处的职能,使之以设备使用过程中的管理和动力管理为主,并更名为设备动力处.1992年,在国家暂停各种评优活动以后,一些企业撤并设备管理机构、削减人员,导致设备管理工作有所削弱.当时的总经理任传俊明确指出:设备管理工作不仅不能削弱,而且还要加强.在他的支持下,我公司设备管理机构不仅没有撤并, Since the company put into production in 1984, it has made outstanding achievements in equipment management. It has created important conditions for the smooth development of the company’s production and operation, and the economic growth year after year. More than a decade of practice has proved that leadership attaches great importance to equipment management. The key point: In the first and second phases of the project, Yihua introduced a total of eight sets of polyester devices and two spinning production line equipment and process technologies, each with the international advanced level in the late 1970s and early 1980s. To maintain the advanced performance of these devices, To realize long-term, safe and stable operation and strengthen equipment management is an important guarantee. From the first general manager of Yihua, Ren Chuanjun, the current president of the General Textiles Association, to the current general manager Chen Jinfang and party secretary Zhu Yuli all attach great importance to equipment work, and Many conditions have been created for this purpose. 1. We attach great importance to the initial stage of the construction of the management organization. In order to make the equipment selection, purchase, transportation, storage, and inspection work in an integrated and orderly manner, the equipment office is established and the equipment is fully responsible. Pre-management work. With the first set of production equipment put into production, the company promptly changes the functions of the equipment department, making it possible to use the equipment during the process of management and action. Management was the mainstay, and it was renamed as the Department of Equipment Dynamics. In 1992, following the suspension of various appraisal activities in the country, some companies withdrew their equipment management agencies and reduced personnel, which led to a weakening of equipment management. The then general manager Ren Chuanjun pointed out clearly. : The equipment management work can not only be weakened, but also strengthened. With his support, our company’s equipment management organization has not only withdrawn,
深化三电目标管理 工作更上一层楼桃源县三电办公室我县是一个近百万人口的农业大县,位于沉水下游,属于丘陵地带,全县溪流纵横,水力资源丰富,现有小水电装机容量近3万kW,全县分省网和