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某省一位县委书记上任以后,立即到县纪委申报了个人在外地的住房面积和装修情况,并请派专员核实。他还非常诚恳地对大家说:“一些市、县书记之所以因买官而‘落马’,主要是他们自身的问题,但也有监督不力的原因。你们要真心爱护我,就请认真监督我,爱护我就不要吹捧我,爱护我就不要糊弄我,爱护我就不要诱惑我,爱护我就不要收买我,爱护我就不要放纵我……。”同时,他还要求全县各级干部,尤其是党政一把手都要欢迎和乐于接受监督。因为“监督是爱护的更高层次,没有监督的爱护,不是真正的爱护”。我相信这位书记的话是发自肺腑之言,对他的真诚毫不怀疑,也希 After a secretary of a county party committee took office, he immediately declared to the county Commission for Discipline Inspection an individual’s housing area and decoration in the field and asked to send a commissioner to verify. He also very sincerely said to everyone: “Some municipal and county clerks are mainly due to their own problems but they also have the problem of poor supervision. If you really want to care for me, please supervise them carefully I, love me, do not touted me, love me, do not fool me, love me, do not seduce me, love me, do not buy me, love me, do not indulge me ...... ”At the same time, he also asked the county at all levels Cadres, especially top leaders in party and government, should be welcome and willing to accept supervision. Because “supervision is a higher level of care, there is no supervision of love, not true love ”. I believe the secretary’s remark is heartfelt, with no doubt about his sincerity
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