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照片档案区别其它档案的最主要特征,是以感光材料为载体,以影像为主要反映方式,辅以文字叙述来记录历史的。照片档案所反映的历史内容具有真实、形象、生动等特点。因此,照片档案给人以美的享受,深受人们的欢迎和喜爱。为了充分发挥照片档案的优势,提高社会档案意识,我们冷水滩市档案局在今年2月7日至21日主办了题为“冷水滩市十年改革新闻图片档案展览”。下面谈谈我们举办照片档案展览的一些主要作法。一、广泛发动,征集照片。1988年以前,我市照片档案工作一直是个空白。1989年11月20日,由市长李德旗签发了《冷水滩市人民政府关于征集档案资料的通告》,其中照片档案作为重点征集内容之一。但是证集到的数量仍然不多,特别是个人珍藏的舍不得拿出来。针对这一情况,为了进一步提高社会档案意识,市档案局决定主办一次照片档案展览。展览前,我们进行了认真的调查研究,对持有照片者重点摸底。经过一段时间的活动和宣传,展览的信息传开了,许多 Photo files to distinguish the other files the most important feature is the photosensitive material as the carrier, the image as the main reflection, supplemented by text narrative to record the history. The historical contents reflected in the photo archives have the characteristics of being real, vivid and vivid. Therefore, the photo files give people the enjoyment of the United States, by the people’s welcome and love. In order to give full play to the advantages of photo archives and raise the awareness of social archives, the Cold Shoal Archives Bureau hosted a project titled “Ten-Year Reform News Picture Archives Exhibition in Lengshuitan Beach” from February 7 to February 21 this year. Let’s talk about some of the major practices we hold for photo archive exhibitions. First, a wide range of mobilization, soliciting photos. Before 1988, the city’s photo archives work has been a blank. On November 20, 1989, Mayor Li Deqi issued the Circular of Lengshutan Municipal People’s Government on Archiving Files, in which photo archives was one of the key solicitation contents. However, the number of certificates is still small, especially for personal collections reluctant to come up. In response to this situation, in order to further raise the awareness of social files, the Municipal Archives Bureau decided to host a photo archive exhibition. Before the exhibition, we conducted a serious investigation and research, focusing on the holders of photos. After a period of activity and publicity, the exhibition information spread, many
为了建立健全档案检索体系,作好计算机输入的前处理工作,我们在接受冶金部交给的编制冶金科研档案著录细则任务的同时,开展了科研档案的标准化著录的实验。 档案管理自动化
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