China Hi-Tech Completed its First Overseas Strategic Acquisition of Fong's Industries

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Zhang Jie, the Chairman of China Hi-Tech Group Corporation (CHTC), announced at the ShanghaiTEX on 15 June 2011 that China Hi-Tech Group has successfully completed its acquisition of the controlling shareholding in Fong’s Industries Co. Ltd. recently. Through the acquisition, it enables China Hi-Tech Group to further strengthen its business and operation modes within the textile machinery industry. And it intensifies its strength in improving the competitiveness of the whole Chinese textiles industry in the international markets as well. Zhang Jie, the Chairman of China Hi-Tech Group Corporation (CHTC), announced at the ShanghaiTEX on 15 June 2011 that China Hi-Tech Group has successfully completed its acquisition of the controlling shareholding in Fong’s Industries Co. Ltd. Acquisition, it enables China Hi-Tech Group to further strengthen its business and operation modes within the textile machinery industry. And it intensifies its strength in improving the competitiveness of the whole Chinese textiles industry in the international markets as well.
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Background introduction CITME - China International Textile Machinery Exhibition was launched in 1988 and has been held every two years in Beijing, PRC, the 10t
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