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正当人们试图用华丽的语言来总结2004时,海啸带来的世纪灾难却给行将结束的一年画上了沉痛的句点。出入意料又触目惊心!而就在这配额时代寿终正寝的岁末年初,美国媒体却也刮起了另一场中美贸易争论的大海啸。前美国贸易代表白夏芙总结性地宣称中国是打了类固醇的老虎。媒体一方面呼吁继续对人民币施压,甚至重开世贸组织谈判,检讨让中国入世的评估决策,以减轻中国出口带来的强大压力;另一方面,却积极寻求与中国打交道的艺术和技巧,努力扩大对中国的出口和占领中国市场,不断提高自身竞争力和对中国的影响力。而对于中国来讲,面对“打了激素的老虎”的比拟和对低价格竞争的排斥,中国是不是也要在歌颂辉煌、总结成功经验的同时,进行一系列有利于发展的检讨,以推动一些深层次的改革和发展?面对“中国制造”的发展瓶颈,中国是否要检讨“世界工厂”?面对中国市场要素的低价格,中国是否要检讨现行的工资分配格局?面对出口大规模和低效益的矛盾,中国是否要检讨外贸发展的策略?面对接连不断来自国外的反倾销诉讼,中国是否要检讨民族企业间的不良竞争和匮乏的团结协作精神?中国是否要检讨经济一体化下的外资优惠政策?…… Just as people tried to sum up 2004 with gorgeous language, the century catastrophe brought by the tsunami gave a painful year to the end of the year. Unexpected and shocking! And just as the quota era ended in the year-end and early New Year, the U.S. media also brought another big tsunami that sparked Sino-US trade controversy. Former US trade representative Pak Shaffer conclusively declared that China is playing a steroid tiger. On the one hand, the media called for continued pressure on the Renminbi and even reopened the WTO negotiations to review the assessment and decision-making process for China’s accession to the WTO so as to ease the pressure exerted by China’s exports; on the other hand, it actively sought the art and skills to deal with China, Make efforts to expand exports to China and occupy the Chinese market, continuously improve their own competitiveness and influence over China. And for China, in the face of the “tiger with hormones” and the exclusion of low price competition, is not it also necessary for China to sing its glory and summarize its successful experiences while conducting a series of pro-development reviews In order to promote some deep-rooted reform and development? Faced with the bottleneck in the development of “Made in China”, will China review the “world factory”? Faced with the low prices in the Chinese market, will China review the current wage In the face of large-scale and low-efficiency export contradictions, China should review the strategy of foreign trade development. Faced with successive anti-dumping litigation from abroad, should China review the bad competition among ethnic enterprises and the lack of unity and cooperation? Will China review the foreign investment preferential policies under economic integration? ...
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