
来源 :中国石油石化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:power_gq
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石油是关系着国民经济的重要资源,我国并非是石油资源富足的国家,主要是因为人口众多,人均资源占有量很小,甚至石油资源还会依赖进口。这种现象其实给了石油开发行业很大的压力,但也是促进我国各石油企业不断追求提高石油开采率的动力。断块油田具有一定的复杂性,而地质因素则是造成这一复杂性的根本原因。断块油田在开发的时候有一定的难度,在开发过程中有颇多注意事项,最为重要的是,开发方式非常灵活,需要随时进行合理调整,以实现稳定产量。 Oil is an important resource that is related to the national economy. Our country is not an oil-rich country, mainly because of its large population and small amount of resources per capita, and even its dependence on imports. In fact, this phenomenon has given great pressure to the petroleum development industry, but it is also the impetus for various petroleum enterprises in our country to continuously pursue increasing the oil recovery rate. Fault block oil fields have some complexity, and geological factors are the root causes of this complexity. Fault block oil fields have some difficulties in the development, there are a lot of precautions in the development process, the most important is that the development is very flexible, you need to make reasonable adjustments at any time in order to achieve stable production.
同学们知道,汉语中的“汤姆的一位朋友”说成英语是a friend of Tom,但“我的一位朋友”说成英语是a friend of me 吗?错了!  如果要用of所有格表示“我的……”,英语习惯上是用of mine,不用of me。如以下各例中的of mine不能改为of me:  He is a near relation of mine. 他是我的近亲。  The book is a gre
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