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中国人过生日民间有个习俗,凡逢整岁数时,如50岁、80岁,都提前一年庆贺,贺九不贺十,可能与中国人记年用虚岁数有关,即出生时即为一岁。这次去德国徕卡厂他们也在隆重的庆祝徕卡相机诞辰99周年,问明年100周年是否有大庆,答曰德国人喜欢9这个数字,明年不会搞什么大庆。今年的科隆国际摄影器材展,徕卡相机展厅是历年科隆展面积最大和内容最丰富的,推出的新产品也最多,看来世界上不光中国人有虚岁之说,德国人也和我们一样在生日庆贺上不谋而合。当今世界数码相机已经雄霸天下,谁不随波逐流将被大浪淘沙,退出摄影器材 Chinese people have a custom on their birthday. Anyone aged 50 or 80 years old celebrates one year in advance, and he does not congratulate on the other. One year old. This time they went to Leica in Germany for their grand celebration of the 99th anniversary of the birth of a Leica camera and asked if there was a celebration of the 100th anniversary of next year. In response, Germans like the figure of 9 and will not engage in any celebration of Daqing next year. This year’s Cologne Photographic Equipment Exhibition, Leica camera exhibition calendar over the years Cologne exhibition area is the largest and most content-rich, the introduction of new products are also the most, it seems that the world not only Chinese people have the age of the deceased, the Germans are also like us on the birthday Celebrate on the coincidence. Digital cameras in the world today has dominated the world, who will not be drifting will be Ebb tide, out of photographic equipment
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LeadThe domestic lead market,as usual,reacts onemonth behind the price changes taking place inconnection with the LME.Compared withAugust the September price o
奥托昆普铜产品公司决定对奥托昆普铜管(中山)有限公司进行投资扩建,扩建的投资额为3500万欧元(3300万美元),扩建包括增加一条全新的生产线用以生产高质量的光面及内螺纹 O
国家或地区欧盟 1 5国独联体北美南美亚洲 63国合计2 0 0 1年 1~ 5月同比 ,%691 751 .24 0 5 83- 2 .95 0 877- 1 3.61 5 8444.11 361 5 84.83445 2 2- 0 .22001年1~5月世界粗