我国首届“钓王杯·海钓赛”将于今年金秋季节在福建厦门市隆重举行,这是继去年10月首届“钓王杯·钓鲫高手赛”的又一壮举。沧海争霸,王位属谁?尚难预测。好戏连台,这项比赛又一次绷紧了全国千万钓迷们的心弦。 看来,辽、冀、鲁、苏、浙、闽、粤、桂各路大军滨临大海,轻舟熟路,操练有素,尽得水利,自然是占有绝大优势。内陆选手,望洋兴叹,力不从心,似很难与他们抗衡。然而,未雨绸缪,有备无患;秣马厉兵,谋而后动。笔者也
China’s first “Diaoyutai fishing match” will be held this autumn in Xiamen, Fujian Province, this is the second in October last year, “Diaoyu Wang angling crucian tournament competition” another feat. Sea hegemony, the throne who is still difficult to predict. Haoxilian Taiwan, the game once again tightened the hearts of millions of fans nationwide. It seems that Liao, Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong and Guangxi all the way to the sea to the sea, dreary, well-trained, to make water, naturally has the greatest advantage. Inland players, hopeless, powerless, it seems difficult to contend with them. However, take precautions, be prepared; I also