A synchronous duty-cycled reservation based MAC protocol for underwater wireless sensor networks

来源 :数字通信与网络:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzbenz
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To design an energy-efficient Medium Access Control(MAC)protocol for the Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks(UWSNs)is an urgent research issue since depleted batteries cannot be recharged or replaced in the underwater environment.Moreover,the underwater a
【摘 要】对小学语文情境化课堂识字教学方法进行探究。具体是在阐述小学语文情境化课堂识字教学能够调动学生对学科知识学习兴致、降低课程知识难度以及引导学生进行思考等作用之上,结合小学人教材语文教材部分内容,对相关教学方法进行探究。希望在构建情景化课堂教学环境,以及优化课程教学质量方面有所助益。  【关键词】小学语文;识字教学;情景化课堂;教学方法  识字是学习语文知识以及其他学科知识的基础,在强化学生
Massive Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output(MIMO)is a promising technology to meet the demand for the connection of massive devices and high data capacity for mobile networks in the next generation communication system.However,due to the massive connectivity o
The analytical lower bound of Spectral Efficiency(SE)of downlink transmission of the Massive Multiple Input Multiple Output(Ma-MIMO)system is analyzed.In this paper,we derive some novel and approximate mathematical expressions for the lower bound of the S
The advancement of the Internet of Things(IoT)brings new opportunities for collecting real-time data and deploying machine learning models.Nonetheless,an individual IoT device may not have adequate computing resources to train and deploy an entire learnin
【摘 要】随着互联网技术的发展和普及,全球化的脚步随之而来,英语最为一门世界公认的语言,更是未来我国人才的进一步升入學习知识的工具。但是由于我国教学资源分布极不均衡,尤其是农村地区。由于一系列因素,我国的农村地区英语听力水平与城市相比差距较大,如何提高农村地区初中英语听力已成为迫在眉睫的问题。本文就造成农村初中英语听力水平普遍较低的原因作简要的分析,并针对这些问题作简要的探讨。  【关键词】农村地
The distance-decay effect of molecular signals makes communication range a major challenge for diffusion-based Molecular Communication(MC).To solve this problem,the intermediate nano-machine is deployed as a relay between the transmitter and its intended
【摘 要】让学生尽可能多读书,拓宽阅读的视野,养成爱读书的习惯,掌握会读书的本领,为终身读书学习奠定坚实的基礎。帮助学生从小学会阅读,学会有效地阅读,养成良好的阅读习惯,以便使他们在未来生活中成为学习的强者,社会发展的主人,这是语文教学中头等重要任务。  【关键词】个性化阅读;教学策略;读写结合  著名教育家苏霍姆林斯基说:“积累三十年的经验,使我确信学生的智力取决于良好的阅读习惯。”可见阅读在现
We discuss the physical layer security scheme in the Full-Duplex(FD)MIMO point-to-point two-way communication system with residual self-interference,in which legitimate nodes send confidential information and null space Artificial Noise(AN)while receiving
Dynamic spectrum sharing and cognitive radio networks were proposed to enhance the Radio Frequency(RF)spectrum utilization.However,there are several challenges to realize them in real systems,such as sensing uncertainty causing issues to licensed users,bu