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继《全清词·顺康卷》之后,《全清词·雍乾卷》也已于二○一二年五月出版,这是词学界的一大盛事,必将进一步把词学研究推向新的广度和深度。以往对于清词的研究,多集中于清初的顺康二朝和嘉道以后的晚清时代,对雍正、乾隆两朝则相对较为忽视,这也使得研究者和读者一直对这一阶段状况的整体印象较为模糊,亦形成了雍乾词坛冷落萧索、词人数量不多的认识。究其根源,无外乎两点:一是评论者和研究者普遍认为此期词坛作品不独数量不多,且质量不高,堪称清词史上的‘蜂腰’,并不值得投入过大的精力。其二也和文献整理工作进行得不够充分关系密切。由于这主观理念和客观条件的双重制约,致使多年来这一阶段的词坛面貌一直只见轮廓而缺少细节,使研究者难以进行更加深入而细致的思考。可喜的是,‘雍乾卷’的出版已至少从数量、甚至是质量上修正了前人的误解,全面展示出雍乾词坛的整体气象,甚至‘幽暗’边缘。 Following the “Quanqing Ci · Shunkang volume”, “Quanqing Ci · Yonggan volume” was also published in May 2012, which is a major event in Ci-Ci community and will further push the study of Ci-poetry To the new breadth and depth. In the past, the study of Qing Ci mainly focused on the Shunkang dynasties in the early Qing dynasty and the late Qing dynasty after Jia dynasty, but relatively neglected the Yongzheng and Qianlong dynasties. This made the researchers and readers have always been concerned about the status quo of this period The overall impression is rather vague, but also formed the understanding of the Yong-qian idiocy that lacks cool words and few words. The root causes are nothing less than two points: First, critics and researchers generally believe that the works of this period of poetry are not only in small quantities but also of low quality, which is not worth the investment in the history of the Qing Dynasty Big energy. The other two are also closely related to the lack of adequate documentation. Due to the dual constraints of this subjective concept and objective conditions, the appearance of the altar at this stage has been characterized by the lack of details only for a long time, making it hard for researchers to think more deeply and carefully. The good news is that the publication of the Yong-jung volumes has at least quantitatively and qualitatively corrected the misunderstanding of its predecessors and fully demonstrated the overall weather of the Yong-qi inscriptions, and even the edge of the darkness.
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摘要 美国语言哲学家格赖斯曾提出会话中的合作原则,即谈话各方要相互合作,共同配合(以达到交际的目的)。这一原则不但在现实生活中被大量应用,同时在文学作品中,该原则也有较多体现。小说《鹿鼎记》前十回中大量运用此原则使人物对话增色不少,在此简要探讨。  关键词:《鹿鼎记》 会话含义 合作原则  《鹿鼎记》是金庸的“收山”之作。这部小说是金庸所有作品中,篇幅最长情节设置最特别的一部。它一改以往金庸作品中